10am. I woke up to the sound of Job For A Cowboy, my alarm ring tone. Today is the big day, Bandz Out '07.
As usual on all Fridays, I had the 1-hour lecture from 12 to 1. After that I went for Friday prayers. And then I headed for the comp labs to print my C++ practical 8 (2 weeks due. hehe).
I was allowed to skip the 1-hour C++ lecture at 3. But I wasn't really happy about not to attend the class. It's because that is the only lesson where/when I could meet with the beautiful Miss Siti Shahirah. A coursemate.
At 2.30, I headed for the lecture halls, hoping to meet her. And yes, she appeared just outside LTM-1. We smiled at each other said hi.
I told her that I couldn't attend the 3 o'clock lesson. She looked kinda upset.
"Ok ah. Anything I call you.", she said.
"Eh you da dapat nombor baru I ke?", I asked. She replied no.
I tried to give her, but her cellphone is her mum's. And it's not with her at the moment. "It's okay lah. Next time. Bye." We went separate ways.
Then I realised I've forgotten to ask her to come watch me play live at Bandz Out. It sucks, that Shahirah doesn't own her own hp.
More of minor girl issues
At 3, Faugust the band headed to the amphitheater for the preparations. As we passed the north canteen, I stumbled upon a group of friends-of-friends. Ladies. They're nursing students.
Among the group is Farhana. She's a nice girl. The last time we met is at the last ECA meeting (a year ago..?). I smiled at her but didn't say hi.
Has and Liyana were there too. These two ladies I lable them as friends-of-friends. Quite hot chicks. I know them from Nad. But then, I tried to remain unnoticed to the group. I don't quite want to "shake hands" with them.
I think the pair are "chicks into boys in the football club". Maybe I'll call them bitches, but C.I.B.I.T.F.C is a nicer lable. Yups. Don't really wanna get close to them. But I know farhana is a nice girl.
Then I met Ima, the punk-rock sista I knew. Nowdays I seldom saw her in her punk outfit. I think she's becoming more serious on her final year. I told her about me in Bandz Out. "Alright, I'll be there."

Woah, cool arh this punk-rocker sis.
I also approached ex-schoolmate Hidayah at the north canteen. Another C.I.B.I.T.F.C during the high school days, but maybe in poly she isn't anymore. No idea.
Still short in height, but never short of hotness (hotter in the eyes of Jaani. haha). I also asked her to come for the gig. Unfortunately she had to go work later.
Ready to Rock!

Meet The Faugusts (L to R): Guitarist turned drummer Azi, Bassist Irfan and Lead Guitars/Vocals Hadi.
Wohoo! Let's skip the sound check part...
The house is packed! My metal amigos Syazani and Farid were in the house. Not forgetting old friend Ilyas and Mat rock, our motivator. Haha.
I also saw Nad with her best friend in the crowd. Hmm... Okay enough of minor girl issues.
My eyes can't stop staring this Firebrands groupie. Why? Here's a hint:

The first to perform is guest band Iron Buddha, a six-piece playing power metal. Still a new growing metal band, reminds me a lot of Assault. I later managed to meet with one of their members and asked them for their myspace.
And then, it was Faugust's turn to play! We're the first competing band to play on that day.

Summerizing How We Did
- consolation prize (not 4th placing la)
- our guitar tunings kinda sucked. Hadi and Azi insisted tuning with ear; instead of electronic tuners. (Absolute tight tuning is my kind of way)
- and also they forgot to bring an allen-key. Hadi's & Azi's guitar (the one I'm using) is floyd rose bla.. bla.. bla...
- because of soundman Pak Roslan's "don't turn the amp too loud later explode" policy, I received lots of comments that my guitar is not loud enough!
- but people say my nervous inflicted "x-factor"ing is putting to good use. I did move around and headbang.
- the drums cocked-up multiple times during the second song (our original entitled 'I Want Everything Out')!
- unison headbanging!!! At second song during "breakdown".
- Faugust holds the recold for the heaviest band to perform at Bandz Out, at drop-B! (Seniors, can you confirm with this statement? Last year got band play 7-string eh?)
- I also hold the record for most sweatiest performer on stage. Why the heck did I wear a black sweater in the non-air-conditioned atmosphere?!
Summerizing the other bands that performed
- Jaani's band - Probably the best performing metal band on that day. Playing The Trooper & Smoke On the Water. Neat stuff. Lots of crowd support. Aiyah, Iron Maiden is mainstream ah? They won 2nd place. And won best guitarist too.
- Punk rock band after Jaani's band - Fairly energetic and fun. No mistakes on the sounds. But maybe not 'gripping' enough to the crowd. Sound of the bass has high presence. Won consulation prize with us.
- Alim's band - Awesome showmanship by the frontman, meaningful and exciting songs by Oasis & Kiss. Alim did very well on the drums. Champions. (Here's a secret: Only Alim is from NYP! The rest are outsiders. SIT club is corrupt!!! Aiyah, next time be a guest band la)
- Monkeys in PE t-shirts - Down to earth punk rock songs by blink 182, and a smashing song Brianstorm. Clever bunch of guys! Won third, and claimed the best drummer award.
Post-Competition Guest Bands
Bad obsession - an all ballad acoustic performance? Hair, glam and 80's stuff. Kinda softies. Hmm... not my stuff, rather watch the iron buddhas.

Firebrands - The 'Finntroll guy' is actually the frontman of Firebrands. Haha. The main event of the day I guess. Cool and full of creativity on sounds.
I recorded them playing the song scarecrow on my hp video cam. Managed to grab a copy (limited to 40 copies) of their bootlegged cd. I respect these guys. They'll lead us by example...
Happy Birthday Mama!

Mother turns 42 too on July 13th. And a few minutes before 12 midnight, the whole family was at the kitchen celebrating & eating cake. Heheh.
Lessons learnt for the day:
Buying a hp for Shahirah is not a bad idea.
Despite being short and white as a ghost, Hidayah is still hot.
Girl problems are small. Take them as a minor.
Don't be afraid to approach and make friends with people, who has the same interests as you.
You've been long listening to metal & heavy music. Why not enjoy it and headbang too? (As said by Ilyas)
Your own guitar is always better than a someone's guitar. (On a last-minute basis)
Your ear is not an electronic turner.
Lastly, the SIT club is corrupted!!!
Venue: Wheelock Place, Orchard Road
Date: Sunday 29 July 2007
Time: 1200hrs (estimated total 25 minutes of playing)
6 covers, 3 from In Flames, 2 from Arch Enemy, 1 from Sentenced.
To my metal and rock amigos, come down with your eyes and ears. And your arse too.
No annoying emo-fashioncore attire please. No shiny, blinding bling-blings too. Civilian clothing is the best.