We're not angry people. We're furious. Deep in the heart in which we kept for so long. Like a black dragon wanting to break free out of his hellish prison lair.
We're not barbarians. If fact we are trying to stay alive. And stay human. Something just needs to tame and play with the bloodthirsty tigerheart.
So why aren't you at the same page with us? Could be because you don't have a boss who fucks you up everyday at work.
Maybe you had, but you quit the job on the second day. Running away instead of enduring the shit.
Immortal - Suns that sank below
Year: 1997
Origin: Norway
Genre: Black metal
Minors: Brutal black metal, death metal

The first two black metal band words that came from my mouth as a baby is Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir. Then, Immortal. Haha.
A brutal rage indeed. Sounds like an earthquake, avalanche, ice storm, tsunami, Baghdad bombings, hurricane Katrina coming all at you at once.
Some 4 years ago when I first listened to this, I couldn’t even hear what chords they're playing. Too fast!! Insane tremolo speed picking (be warned, Demonaz the (former) guitarist suffered acute tendinopathy, after Blizzard Beasts album. Don’t try to cover this song at home!). Maximum shock value!
Headbanger's meter: Extreme
Hypocrisy - Fire in the sky
Year: 2000
Origin: Sweden
Genre: Melodic death metal
Minors: Doom death, gothic death, gothic black

First true death metal song I heard to. Or doom death. Hmm… black metal vocals?
And probably the only song I like from Hypocrisy. And ever heard. Haha.
If you listen closely to the guitars, there's melody there. Thick, heavy, downheartful ones. A song almost sounding gothic metal, if they had their synth played louder throughout. Well it is. Maybe. Nevertheless has quite an epic feel.
If you want an evil; sinister, but unrushed (not too doomy) metal song with harsh vocals, take this song along.
Headbanger's meter: High to very high
Slayer - Angel of death
Year: 1986
Origin: America
Genre: Thrash metal
Minors: Extreme thrash, proto-death

Ah, my first small steps to knowing 'true extreme metalism'. A Slayer song that kicked me in the balls… hard!! First hearing to this, I realized Number of the Beast by Iron Maiden isn't really satanic at all!
I think the vocalist is kicked in balls too, at the beginning if the song. Trying to reach the heights of a power metal vocalist? Okay, whatever it is I don’t need to describe them thrash overlords. Everyone quite knows their music style.
"They took Venom along and went straight to hell!"
Headbanger's meter: Very high
Einherjer - Dead Knight's Rite
Year: 2004
Origin: Norway
Genre: Viking metal
Minors: Neo-black metal, groove black metal, progressive metal

The first Viking metal song I tuned to, if I could ever remember.
The staccato power-riff is very gripping and hard to ignore! High treble kick drums, groovy; jazzy upbeats. Arrr!! Piratey grim death vocals. Epic seafaring-driven synths. Guitar lick melodies imported directly from Valhalla hard rock cafe. I mean, hall. Not forgetting the very fine sound quality from the Blot album.
This is incredibly unique, quirky and memorable metal tune. You can actually dance to it!! There's no Einherjer like Einherjer. Too bad they're disbanded.
Enter viking/folk metal!!
Headbanger's meter: Very high
Slipknot - Spit it out
Year: 1999
Origin: America
Genre: Nu-metal
Minors: Extreme nu-metal, rapcore, death-rapcore

The first 'death metal' song I ever heard. Some 8 years ago. I know what you metal purists are thinking…
Upon first hearing, I was scared to death of course! And at that time Linkin Park is already very, very 'heavy'. Never I heard such music so downtuned on guitars. Drop-B that is.
Yeah it’s not 'real' metal as said by extreme metal extremists. But it’s a jump starter to the 'real' death metal for angsty suburban kids who now/later listens to Deicide, Behemoth, 1349, Naglfar, Nile, bla, bla, bla. Some songs by Vader sound like Slipknot anyway. I think.
Headbanger's meter: Very high
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