Bathory - Woman Of Dark Desires
Year: 1986
Origin: Sweden
Genre: Black metal

My sudden liking for raw black metal. Simply raw...
+ How the song started was quite gripping. Straight to the headbanging part.
+ Fiendish vocals of the great Quothorn
+ Wicked piercing guitars
+ Raging drums
+ The beginning of the guitar solo really sounds like a roaring godzilla (02:35 mins).
Long live Quothorn (both black metal and Viking metal era). And Elizabeth Bathory...(she loves female blood)
Headbanger's Meter: Very high to extreme
Celtic Frost - Progeny
Year: 2006
Origin: Switzerland
Genre: Doom death

My first True Metal album on my cd-rack (judging to the number of nu-metal & modern rock albums I own). The new Celtic Frost. Heavier and doom-er.
+ [Guitars shrieks] Fischer: "URGH!!" His significant growl.
+ Undeniably merciless, evil-toned and energetic.
+ The blast beats they play are abnormal.
+ Turn up the volume. Turn up the bass. You'll feel Celtic Frost trying to squeeze that weak heart of yours... like a bug.
+ This is music of mass destruction. No more turning back...
- Hmm.. Lacks melody. Focusing more on heaviness and roughness.
Headbanger's Meter: Very high to extreme
Bad News - Warriors of Ghengis Khan
Year: 1987
Origin: United Kingdom
Genre: 80's hair metal/Comedy
Ghengis Khan slaps himself on the face; in embarrassement. Bad News isn't a real band anyway.
+ Quote: "I'm a warrior... I'll kill myself one daeyyeeyyeeyy!!!"
+ Quote: "Burning, looting, raping and the shooting" [repeat 4 times].
+ Lots of shooting sound effects, missiles, choppers, explosions. Very badass (more like "bad-smelling ass")
+ Listen for the two samurai fighting sound effects (02:10 mins). Cool!!
+ And a drop-dead crappy solo on an acoustic guitar.
+ They covered (a bad, foul-sounding version of) Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody.
+ An awesomely bad metal song, but really fun to hear.
- An insult to 80's metalheads. Muhaha.
Headbanger's Meter: Funny
Orthanc - A Journey in the Dark
Year: 2007
Origin: Singapore
Genre: Black pagan metal

Orthanc are my new heartland heroes. A viking/pagan black metal band, with much of folkish elements in their album. Thanks to Yazid for borrowing me Taur e-Ndaedelos.
+ Quote: "The world was young, the mountains grinned." I guess those were the first words audible from the album.
+ precisely epic, dark, and heroic-themed too.
+ Plenty of strong blast beats, accompanied by the symphonic keyboards.
+ Not forgetting their unique atmospheric guitars.
- While some may say it sounded "cold and unattractive", A Journey in the Dark portrays the downhearted but brave moments in my life. Hail Orthanc.
Headbanger's Meter: Moderate to High
Sentenced - You Are the One
Year: 2002
Origin: Finland
Genre: Gothic/Suicidal rock

Seriously, I like sentenced more than HIM. Less glam.
Story: One day, I was beside this girl I knew. She smiled at me. I smiled back. We had a chat. Then we headed to our own directions.
Suddenly, the guitar solo (02:27 mins) to this song played in my mind.
Is she the one...?
"You are the only one I see... My first and last..." Alamak emotional.
+ Strong and fine vocals by Ville Laihiala
+ Atmospheric use of guitars and acoustics
+ Again, a memorable dreamy guitar solo
+ Overall, a splendid sentimental song.
Headbanger's Meter: Moderate to High
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