For the past several days I spent most of the time at home. I didn't quite work a lot. My work schedule came out rather slacky.
My recent activities would be, sleeping, watching discovery channel, doing some housework, eating 2 tons of meal during break fast; going to the mosque for tarawih. And here I am warming my seat in front of the computer.
Flesh and the Sins It Holds
I also started playing Red Alert 2 again. Been 2 years since. And still not pro or god-like yet. At the same time listening to metal of course! Slayer, Morbid Angel, Arch Enemy... Chaotic war metal!!

Haha. I broke my promise of not listening to extreme metal during the fasting month. But I think Death's Sound of Perseverance is acceptable. Just look at the album title.
A metalhead like me with perseverance in the month of Ramadhan!
Fasting month is a big challenge to me. My biggest threats would be strong smelling foods, malays around me who didn't fast (yes malays, not muslims), hot chicks wearing figure-hugging clothes and situations which makes my blood go boil (must stay patient while fasting!!).
Can't wait for Hari Raya. And of course my Finntroll t-shirt I pre-ordered 2 weeks ago!
The return......
The following will be written in malay for clarity. Anyway to sum it up, it's about this old religious teacher who came back to my neighborhood mosque.

Uztaz Ahmad Dahri telah kembali ke Masjid An-nur! Malah bukan sebagai imam masjid biasa yang seperti dahulu. Beliau hanya menjadi imam untuk sehari sekadar syarahannya selepas terawih.
Masih ingat lagi dahulu masa umur sekolah rendah. Saya sering ke Masjid An-nur dengan bapa untuk bersolat berjemaah. Uztaz Ahmad selalu bawa surah panjang-panjang. Macam lagu Moonsorrow! Boleh katakan progressive jugak.
Kaki pun kadang-kadang kena tahan sakit sedikit. Pernah sekali uztaz bawa surah Yasin pada waktu subuh. Huiyoo. Boleh tertidur.
Miss pulak dengar bacaan Uztaz Ahmad. Nak salam tapi kena jalan lekas lepas tarawih 8 rakaat. Members lama. Haha.
To fast is not to suffer. But, to not fast is to suffer! Thanks for your time guys!
Hello again. Been busy with work. So kicks in the first day of fasting...
Iyan On Fasting Month
The month of Ramadhan is here. No eating in the day time. No drinking. No vigorous activities like soccer. No jamming, due to respecting of the holy month.
Most of all, no extreme headbanging! I've cut down listening to my favourite extreme metal by 75%. No (old black metal) Bathory. No Slayer. No Wages Of Sins.
But however, will be listening to slighty lighter stuff like classic heavy metal (hehehe).
Appreciative, meaningful and decent melodic metal/hard rock stuff like the songs "Come Clarity" and "Moonshield" are still okay. Educational (is that the word?) metal songs from P.O.D and Orphaned Land. Folk metal acoustics from Suidakra.
Iyan On Last Friday's Gig

Last Friday is another job well done by the militants. Though not really the best. Well, I'm more of performing for expressing, not impressing. To love the sound that came from within you is very important. Too important.
Thanks to Clarence's initiative to have the performance and Bishan ITE for the invitation. Farid for blasting the drums, Yazid and Firdaus (Bee) as replacement/guest musicians, and especially awesome friends who came down to support us! And Mr Aiiri Frost (photograph officer) for the wonderful photos!
I get to meet some cool guys from Then Revolution, some of our newest allies. Also, even cool, a pair of metallers from Crucifixion! I've visited their myspace once, and quite liked their raw and bad-ass thrash metal approach.

You guys (Then Revolution and Crucifixion) kicks ass! You guys made my day. I couldn't thank more.
Iyan On Assault
With returning militants Nesh & Syaz on November, we will continue to rise and fight harder. From where we stand now, I think we did quite well as a one-year-plus old band.
Very importantly, we rely support from allies and friends. Thus, we are not selfish. And we're not a band of trendwhores with tapered pants playing emo screamocore pop-punk sh*t!! Hahaha!
One day Assault (as well as Nullified) will appear at (and hopefully Metalhammer magazine!), marching on forward. Alongside folk warriors Coventide, I hope we will front the homeground extreme metal scene in 10 years (too long..? Okay, maybe 5 years) to come.
We play melodic death metal! Also, "pleasant" death metal(?), as I recall what the judge from Tapestry named us as! Melody under brutality.

That's all for now. After blogging, I'll go watch cartoons...