An earthquake hit Sichuan, China last Monday. A cyclone hit Myanmar early this month. Sounds irrelevant here, but I just want to remind myself that other people are suffering more than me. Spare a few seconds.

God save us.
Mother's Day
Yes, I've been busy with work. I took me 3 days later to write about last Sunday!
The most hardworking human being in your life. We should all love our mothers. Because they shed blood, sweat and tears for you.
I'm the first in the family to wish my mum a Happy Mother's Day. It was 12:01am, I was on the way back from work in the mrt. And I brought home her favourite pizza, veggie lover's that is.
6:30 on a Sunday morning. The whole family woke up to celebrate with a Mother's Day cake. Mocha favoured I think. My sisters bought presents for mum too. I was a very happy event.
I only wish is that 20 years down the road, all us three little pigs will still love our mother. And forever.
A Sunday Assault
After 4 weeks, Assault finally had a jamming session. Once a month? I'm quite upset. No kidding, I love to go jamming. But I hate to practice. No fun with my cheap small amp. No, wait. All my guitar equipment sucks.
But I don't really care. Music comes from the heart. And set-up matters.
The jamming was okay. Good, but not great. We improved fast on Retribution. W.O.H, not so well done. As usual, my guitar tone is evil. Haha. Sounds like Obituary?
After that, I head down to Inokii to buy a metal cd, which I do every once a month. But I missed a dinner with my family. I felt guilty, but when else can I go buy my cd...?
Finally I get to own In Flame's Jester Race. Been listening to it a lot, on 128Kbps-bit rate ripped from Clarence's. But now I can roll it at a full 320Kbps-bit. Nice. Well actually I was going to pre-order a classic Immortal album but I didn't bring enough money.

And for your info, I always listen to Jester Race, everytime before I start writing a song for Assault.
Lifelessness of life
I've been going through a bit of depression. But I'll be okay. There's a lot of things that I miss. And life at Nanyang campus isn't one of them. Never. My poly life sucks! Wait. The food is nice there...
I missed two girls at the same time. Strange but true. One just disappeared without warning. And another one, changed face. I just wish I get to know her better. Both.
And in a few weeks, I completed 4 C&C campaigns. Every midnight after work. Damn. I'm a nerd! I just completed Yuri's Revenge with Soviet forces last night. Five years ago I gave up at the Soviet 3rd mission. The ending: Yuri went back to 1993 to appear in the Jurassic Park film! Haha.
I've dived into this sea of solitude, I held my breath longer than most of you.