Hello again mongolians. Yes, I've passed out from my basic training. Just a few more weeks before I enter into the real world. The working world. Though I'm not a frontliner. And still my job is protecting life and property.
5 months in national service. I've learnt a lot. My strength and my flaws, new ways of approaching to situations, smart shortcuts to procedures, appreciating your balls, standing on your own feet, and so much more. Just so much that I've gone through. And encounter much all kinds of homosapiens. All having the same Obama haircut.
Desperate hairy monkeys, sleeping beauties, big whiners, crazyhappy maniacs, wannabes, silent killers, ghost whisperers, sick chickens, ah beng poseurs, selfishers, church people, foreigners, the good-smelling, the bad-smelling, and whatever else you can think of.I have to admit that big whiners are extremely annoying. And also guys who have an attitude of a bitch. A girl bitch. To sum it up, pussies.
Last but not least, cowards. No courage. Very sad. Welcome to the new generation breed, sons of singa.
I'll miss my squad. To some extend. And of course miss the tekan moments. I mean, funny mangkuk moments.
I'll also miss seeing my HTA crush. That nerdy, but seriously hot female regular trainee. She always stood in the middle of her squad, the middle column. Her maroon glasses. Her gorgeous puffy cheek bones. Her fairlady skin. Reminds me of a slender Ugly Betty without braces.
If she's married, I'll still go for her! Haha. Holy shit. Okay, maybe not. She may melt me but I never really knew her at all.
Having a long break. I rarely went out to meet people. So much television. So much time. Without direction. Hahah.Upgraded my pc RAM. But all I needed now is a new video card. The Doom3 which I bought in 2006 is still unplayable! Need graphic card! And I'm trying Red Alert 3 too.
And right now my external hard disk is giving problems...
I hope to get a part-time diploma this year. And get 200 bucks for my next IPPT. To get gold standard that is!
11 more days to pop.Been a stoner week. Lots of naps in the afternoon. Nothing too great in the weekends. Had a new facebook too.But I did something new last week. Blood donation. Nothing too scary or painful. Not much fear of needles. The best thing is that I had light duty that night; the was a 'tekan' moment before water parade.Still waiting for my next pay...Whilst here's my shopping list, for cds. With subject to changes. Lots of outdated stuffs though, which I find them as 'classic':Damnation by opethGoddamnit! by alkaline trioMateria by novembreDead Letters by the rasmusBurning Bridges by arch enemyThe Cult Is Alive by darkthroneDark Light by himThe best of Spineshank by spineshankThe Cold White Light by sentencedShadows Are Security by as i lay dying
In Requiem by paradise lostLooking forward to jamming...
Enter '09. Here and there I hear people making 2009 resolutions. But wait. I realized I didn't make any resolutions... for 2008! What can I say. 2008 was quite a year of defeat for me. I'll explain about it one day.
Weird enough, here's the resolutions I made for 2007:
Do more housework for mom. - Aiyoyo. Mommy's boy.
Always bathe before 7. - Haiya. Nowdays never bathe all at also have.
Exercise more. - In NS now, what can I say..
Save more money for future jammings. - 101 rules for rookie musicians..?
Compose lyrics for Ensisventine. - Dead.
Practice gore vocals. - It's tough you know.
Practice more for Nullified/Assault sessions. - I'm under-performing..
Buy new headphone. - Hmm.. Haven't try those of 50 bucks and above.
IFHAmmo Version 4 - Retired from IFHAmmo review.
If you just read this post, you have just wasted 4 minutes of your damn bloody life. The above resolutions had expired 2 years ago.