Sunday, June 13, 2010

3 strangers you will meet...

3 strangers you will meet in an online social network...

1. How are you?

Hey, hi there. How are things? You seem to have something that I am interested also. Sounds fun! I like your picture there. Your friends seem nice. Hey, what do you think of my photos? Well, this weekend I'm doing something awesome with my friends! Hey, watched this movie, it's really great! Hey, I have some feelings to share with everyone. Well, want do you think? Thanks! See you around

2. Who the fuck are you?!

You are?? How do you get to add me? Was my email address lying around some void deck or something? Have you been peeking on my photos recently? How often? They're not for your eyes, I'm attached!! You're not even a friend of my friends! What makes you think I'm gonna entertain you and your comments? Or that you're my type? I've just set my account to private, go away!!

3. Sorry, not you...

Erm. Uh, okay. I know you've added me. Frankly speaking everyone adds me. I'm not saying that I'm popular or anything. You're welcome. Maybe we've met or I've forgotten you or something. Yeah, I think I might have remembered that time. Yeah. Erm, don't mind you give me some space? I appreciate you commenting. It's just that.. I'm so into this person, to an extend that maybe I don't have time for anyone else? I think? And with myself too? Okay. Take care.