Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Saye ingin mengucapkan selamat hari raye kepade SEMUE,
Kalau saye ade tersalah silap atau sengaja saye meminta maaf memohon seribu AMPUN..
Kiriman kad raye sekarang send thru e-mail atau facebook AJE,
Tak lamer lagi kad jemputan kahwin agaknye PUN..?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Qn: which part of ________ don't i understand?
a) get over it
b) move on
c) don't dream, it's over
d) seriously bro, get over her
e) all of the above

well, what can i say. i'm just an emo, naive teenager stuck inside a Wentworth Miller's body.

Friday, August 26, 2011

i took out my wallet as i boarded the bus. when i went up the bus, i was so confused because i could not find the ez-link tap card reader. "eh?" and then i looked at the bus driver. the bus driver looked at me back. **cricket sound** the bus i just boarded is a FREE SHUTTLE BUS SERVICE.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

1 year ago on this date i was promoted to SC/Corporal. The promotion was 10 months late, as shown on the certificate of promotion. I got the backpay eventually. A month's pay plus 10 months of corporal allowance. Would like to thank once again OOS, DSO and OC because they faught for my rank against the inferior and inefficient PNS office!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

this afternoon two guys from charlie were talking loud behind my back. i've seen them before somewhere but i really don't know who they are. as i walked further away from them, they talked even louder. all the way from the elevator to the locker. their annoying words are "hey this guy face look like a chinese deeoh. hey chinese deeoh! hey chinese deeoh!!"

Thursday, August 18, 2011

darah aku up!! boiling!!! lu punya lagi satu bulan mau expire, extension da brape puluh kali, mrz dah faded, pastu lu mau ajar gua suroh key in manual. lu gi masok lane laen skrng!! da 2nd jumpe yng si bodo nie. hate to entertain this kind of stubborn, smart-alex, trying-their-luck s'poreans.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

di bulan puase takde setan tapi ade 'ORANG MULUT SETAN'. ORANG-ORANG yng menghampakan semangat mereka yng ingin beribadah dan bertaubat.
kata-kata MEREKA seperti: "kau nk gi terawih? orang cam kau?? yeh eleh cam real.. kau tu kaki *****, bla bla bla.. puase tahun lepas tak betul, sembayang setahun sekali, lu rilek sua.. jgn cam paham ah lu.. gua kenal lu da lama la.."

Sunday, August 14, 2011

there are feelings that i think it's better that i keep to myself. but maybe i'll spill them out a little. i'm slightly jealous, but i'm very glad that things are doing well for you. a smile on your face brings a smile to mine too, even if it's another person who makes you smile. period. =)

Monday, August 08, 2011

Remembering this girl I first dated, exactly 2 years ago. 'Up' the movie. Went out with her a few more times. Only get to hold her hand once when we were crossing the road. On the last date we ate at mad jack cafe for break fast. If I could remember I ordered 2 fish n' chips and 2 coke.

Friday, August 05, 2011

I always don't agree with the quote "what you see is what you get." Life is unpredictable and that's the beauty of it. Maybe I'll rephrase it to "what you get is what you don't see it coming."