“Each hardship you face is designed specially for you by Allahﷻ. It’s for you to get closer to Him. He knows you can handle it.”
I feel sorry to those who have parents who demand money from them. Real parents won't ask anything from their children.
Love doesn't mean we don't have big fights and arguments.
Love means even after the chaos, the love is still there. #qotd
"Everyone's connected but nobody's connecting" We live in the 4g age where people prefer to express and talk online
*installs wechat app* *friend request from loke yew ming* *uninstalls wechat*
Uber from my hotel to langkawi airport: rm12 Taxi (without meter) from hotel to langkawi airport: rm25 #lessonLearnt
First time pasal handle lupe nak straighten bila naik Second time pasal bila naik seluar ketat pastu lost balance Kekek pe aku ni
Nasib motor bukan motor first hand.. lagi sakit hati

Gambar ko dpt 90 likes. Gambar aku dpt 50 likes. Tapi kau ade 900 followers, aku ade 400 aje Meaning ko dpt 10% aje. Aku 12.5%
I saw 2 kindergarten students watching an excavator digging up the ground, fascinated. This is education. Not playing tablets/smartphones.
Bercakap itu lebih baik daripada diam, tapi diam itu lebih baik daripada bercakap perkara yang merapu. #iloveislam
I told my friend Lebih baik malu di dunia Daripada malu di akhirat Kalau malu di akhirat da terlambat bro.. da takleh taubat
"Malu dan iman itu adalah teman seiring sejalan, jika yang satu diangkat niscaya terangkatlah pula yang satu lagi" (HR. Muslim)
"Kat ports kene panjat lorry. Pastu ade byk makcik" - senior at work Hmmm nanti bile aku panjat lorry, makcik cui bontot aku tak?
Makciks be like "hey check out that pantat. Pantat baik"
Yek elehh detail kecik2 pun nak amek kesah. Semua movie tetap movie la. Dongeng. Korg tak tau appreciate lebih baik gi bace novel
Harimau mati tinggalkan belang, manusia mati tinggalkan nama. Battery motor mati tinggalkan di workshop
Oh kau ade 5k followers eh. No wonder dlm 5 min dpt 20 likes. Aku tengok post kau tu pun tak lah brape best sangat Aku cume 300+ je k bye

Kalau solat zuhur tahan kentut dari rakaat satu.. Beri salam straight away lepaskan angin.. Kentut nye bunyik lagu john cena
Mum: kalau first date, make sure Bila mkn bayarkan. Jgn tunjuk yng kite lokek
Maaf kata, aku notice org yng paling kuat complaint kat keje usually org yng berumur tapi masih single
Tempat keje aku byk nenek dara / atuk bujang
I'm not saying all girls are insecure and all guys are good But imo, girls are beings who will always go through regret
Only when she's married to an abusive husband or if she's still single in her 30's, she will start to regret all those decent guys she..
.. used to turn down or reject. She'll regret friendzoning all those husband-worthy candidates in past. Not gd at predicting future perhaps
80km bapak sanggup naik motor ke kerja hari-hari 8km anak sanggup ziarah bapak setahun sekali
Biar malu di dunia, jgn malu di akhirat Sebab malu di akhirat meaning kite byk sangat dosa dan tak sempat nak taubat
Every time i overheard a conversation about wahabbi, salafi and its jargons etc. The only thing that came into my mind is wasabi with sushi
It's already 2017 But people who like their own post still exists?
Me: hakim, bunyi istinjak macam mane? Nephew: pish pishh pishh
"Being ugly is a good thing. When you're ugly and somebody loves you, it means they love you for who you are." -Drax the Destroyer
Maybe the purpose of a bachelor life extension Is because so that you can take care of your parents Because your other siblings can't
That one highly sensitive friend who takes things personally. And occasionally leaves whatsapp groupchats.. and blocks and unfriend..
Everybody has problems. It's a matter of whether you portray yourself as the poorest living soul ever to walk on earth or vice versa
"600, 700 wa tak main bro.. 1000cc and above" Hmm installment wa tak main bro. 2nd hand tapi full cash
Jangan Malu terlihat Miskin..
Malulah ketika pura-pura kaya, padahal dari hutang Riba.
Aku rase prompan yng dpt aku untung
- pillion motor selesa ade backrest
- staycation kat jb rumah terrace
- rumah siap ade massage chair
- rumah pun ade treadmill
- ade 2 kereta
- dpt tukang masak power (my mum)
- aku pun non-smoker
- tiap mlm aku balik rumah (aku team sm)
- i also not addicted to games
Bukan nak riak.
I'm just saying.
Aku rase perangai aku prompan semua tak minat. Tu pasal masih single
Eh aku bwk fireblade '17 la siol
Fireblade '17
Fireblade bro
Err, rokok satu boleh? Smlm baru bayar monthly installment
The expiration date on water bottles is for the bottle, not the water.
Single people usually complain more, more time to complain
Because they have more time for themselves
Instead of running errands for their
.. spouse and kids,
They have more time for social media
To complain about this
Complain about that
You accuse me of bragging but I'm just counting my blessings
I don't find pleasure bragging though. God is fair..
.. everyone has their gains and losses. And for losses, my hair to begin with
Even a flawless person has their own losses
Maybe that someone kite rasa dia ade 'perfect life' and 'perfect looks'
But God is fair
Maybe we have something that he/she doesn't
@smrtsg Jun 16 More You have to give credit to the Malays. There's no one else who fast for for 8 hours yet still gain weight.