mango salad and coconut freeze anyone?
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Thursday, October 19, 2017
tweets 1 aug -31 aug
A wise Malaysian once told me
"Takleh Gurau Duduk Surau"
"Fatal accident at bukit indah"
I was at bukit indah last Tuesday
2 years ago, i was also at bkk, few days before the bkk bombing
@Mufti_Muhammad_ More Poverty with self-respect is better than wealth gained with humiliation.
miskin tapi gaji halal, lebih baik dari kaya tapi gaji haram. Ada betul?
The last time i sent someone a get well soon card
She blocked me on ig
Sounds heartless
Until today i wonder what i've done wrong
There's a saying that life is meant to be hard
So maybe it's not meant to be enjoyed?
Will this pain last till death
I think there's lots of people out there who wished they're the first thing on someone's mind
When that someone wake up early in the morning
uncle ringo funfair
noosh noodle bar
mukshidonna DTE
upeh singapore
There's lots of people out there who'll appreciate someone who's willing to pick up the pieces of a broken heart
Well, if only I can sleep with a smile on my face
knowing that I mean something to you
Instead of just another person you know
I live my life, you live yours. But don't forget, we breath in the same air like it or not.
@officialachey Muka lawa boleh lah, buat jahat pun orang akan tetap sokong kau sebab apa? Sebab kau lawa . Cuba kalau yg hodoh, duduk diam pon kena maki
@Lucaspeebo Aug 25 I don't get some people. Nak shortcut je semua benda. Nothing comes easy. There is only one way, you have to work for it. It's that simple.
@DrBilalPhilips Aug 26 More The greater your concern for the dunya, the greater your worries will become.
The best way to be thankful is to look at people who are shitter than you in life
@ShadiqJamaludin Aug 31 When I share my problems with you, its okay if you can't help me with anything, I'm just thankful enough that you'd listen to me.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
tweets 15 jun - 31 july
352km later and I'm left with 3 litres.. on petronas minyak ijau
Ni kalau aku masih keje kat wlds, isi minyak sebulan sekali? hihii
@DrBilalPhilips Follow More Allah never rejects our Duaas. He just answers them in different ways for us. #Muslims
Solo trip to mersing maybe one day
Love is a losing game Some people are still single because They don't wanna LOSE Always wanna win and have their own way
But like me, Still single because They always LOSE interest in me

If you block him but he's still nice to you in person It means he's the kind of guy who will accept you for who you are, even at your worst
If I found somebody, I'm gonna love her no matter how many pounds she gain
Hmm tapi kalau mati bulan ramadan mati syahid kan? Kdg2 aku rase hidup lama2 tak guna. Makin lama hidup makin byk dosa dpt..
Mati time single pun okay jugak Daripada mati time anak da ade 2-3.. menyusahkan bini aje..
Ramadhan passed so fast. Felt like yesterday i just ate kfc porridge breakfast at chong pang.. around 10am like that.. padahal 1 month ago
Wah, cepatnye ramadan nak habis. Bila agaknye aku akan sebut "Wah cepatnye zaman bujang aku nak habis. Besok da nak naik pelamin"
I like that short-haired girl with a big pair of owl eyes and her face is full of pimples and her voice sounds manja
Most of the time When a girl really loves someone, she will nvr fall in love again with another one
But when a guy managed to make a girl fall in love with him, Eventually he'll lose interest This is by default
Tapi skrg da tanda2 kiamat Prompan pun boleh lost interest, nak kawin lagi satu Yng laki pulak, putus cinta, putus asa, terus jadi geh
Shud i go for janda Janda #need a dad for their child Single ladies nowadays #need to further their studies and go on expensive holidays
Single ladies nowadays #need to go europe, japan etc. Because they #need 200++ likes when they post their holiday pictures on social media
No offense. But this is just my observation based on this modern world. They don't care if their parents want grandchildren. Just saying
Naik motor tak accident itu #rezeki Alhamdulillah sampai rumah dgn selamat (Even though tadi racing dgn apek taxi driver)
Hmm.. dulu aku pernah date prompan yng pakai hijab+jubah 24/7.. gi cinema sekali die bukak kasut pastu duduk bersila.. siala bau stokin
I miss you owl eyes. #mukeBerjerawat
Kdg2 aku mcm nak ckp kat traveller "KAU JGN BODOH SGT BOLEH TAK?"
Yesss finally dpt ucap selamat hari raye maaf zahir batin kat crush aku yess yesss *cricket sound effect* Mane tau kite jodo. Kau mane tau
I'm only nervous when I'm with you owl eyes. Maybe because you're the queen of my heart. Gd night #mukeBerjerawat
Girl, it's best you find a humble man who's willing change his ways A man who's willing to sacrifice his time and soul growing old with you
You shud find a man whose always adapting to changes A man who brings up solutions instead of just pointing out the problems and ranting
You shud find a man who fixes problems Not a man who create more problems Or always tell the whole world about his problems and do nothing
Pasal security bond pun aku boleh buat pickup line
So what's the difference between neelofa and you? Neelofa is far far away But you're close to my heart *cricket sound effect*
The next time i meet owl eyes, i gotta be more 'abg2' Like ask her how she's doing and all But the thing is, I so gagap and kental uhh
Hi sis Apa khabar sis Sis sihat Boleh tak saye panggil awak sis hingga bila kite da halal nanti *cricket sound effect*
Hi sis Sis da mkn Boleh tak saye panggil awak sis hingga di hari nanti kami berdua dijadikan sebagai pasangan yang halal *krik krik krik*
Well it's always the guy who had to text and start the conversation first Every morning every day (in the end, got labeled as 'desperate')
Well there's girl who always texted me first Tapi pasal nak exchange duty haaa
So far guardians of the galaxy vol 2 is the best movie i've watched for 2017
@TwtPening Jangan kutuk rupa orang kurang cantik. Mana tahu esok lusa rupa kita lagi teruk dari dia. Kita tak boleh jamin rupa tu kekal sampai bila.
@xolovelya Jul 21 More the difference in the amount of likes u get on a picture depending on how much skin ur showing or how tight ur clothes are is sad
It's good to have someone who you can talk to when things ain't doing great
@DrBilalPhilips Follow More Allah never rejects our Duaas. He just answers them in different ways for us. #Muslims
Solo trip to mersing maybe one day
Love is a losing game Some people are still single because They don't wanna LOSE Always wanna win and have their own way
But like me, Still single because They always LOSE interest in me

If you block him but he's still nice to you in person It means he's the kind of guy who will accept you for who you are, even at your worst
If I found somebody, I'm gonna love her no matter how many pounds she gain
Hmm tapi kalau mati bulan ramadan mati syahid kan? Kdg2 aku rase hidup lama2 tak guna. Makin lama hidup makin byk dosa dpt..
Mati time single pun okay jugak Daripada mati time anak da ade 2-3.. menyusahkan bini aje..
Ramadhan passed so fast. Felt like yesterday i just ate kfc porridge breakfast at chong pang.. around 10am like that.. padahal 1 month ago
Wah, cepatnye ramadan nak habis. Bila agaknye aku akan sebut "Wah cepatnye zaman bujang aku nak habis. Besok da nak naik pelamin"
I like that short-haired girl with a big pair of owl eyes and her face is full of pimples and her voice sounds manja
Most of the time When a girl really loves someone, she will nvr fall in love again with another one
But when a guy managed to make a girl fall in love with him, Eventually he'll lose interest This is by default
Tapi skrg da tanda2 kiamat Prompan pun boleh lost interest, nak kawin lagi satu Yng laki pulak, putus cinta, putus asa, terus jadi geh
Shud i go for janda Janda #need a dad for their child Single ladies nowadays #need to further their studies and go on expensive holidays
Single ladies nowadays #need to go europe, japan etc. Because they #need 200++ likes when they post their holiday pictures on social media
No offense. But this is just my observation based on this modern world. They don't care if their parents want grandchildren. Just saying
Naik motor tak accident itu #rezeki Alhamdulillah sampai rumah dgn selamat (Even though tadi racing dgn apek taxi driver)
Hmm.. dulu aku pernah date prompan yng pakai hijab+jubah 24/7.. gi cinema sekali die bukak kasut pastu duduk bersila.. siala bau stokin

I miss you owl eyes. #mukeBerjerawat
Kdg2 aku mcm nak ckp kat traveller "KAU JGN BODOH SGT BOLEH TAK?"
Yesss finally dpt ucap selamat hari raye maaf zahir batin kat crush aku yess yesss *cricket sound effect* Mane tau kite jodo. Kau mane tau
I'm only nervous when I'm with you owl eyes. Maybe because you're the queen of my heart. Gd night #mukeBerjerawat
Girl, it's best you find a humble man who's willing change his ways A man who's willing to sacrifice his time and soul growing old with you
You shud find a man whose always adapting to changes A man who brings up solutions instead of just pointing out the problems and ranting
You shud find a man who fixes problems Not a man who create more problems Or always tell the whole world about his problems and do nothing
Pasal security bond pun aku boleh buat pickup line
So what's the difference between neelofa and you? Neelofa is far far away But you're close to my heart *cricket sound effect*
The next time i meet owl eyes, i gotta be more 'abg2' Like ask her how she's doing and all But the thing is, I so gagap and kental uhh
Hi sis Apa khabar sis Sis sihat Boleh tak saye panggil awak sis hingga bila kite da halal nanti *cricket sound effect*
Hi sis Sis da mkn Boleh tak saye panggil awak sis hingga di hari nanti kami berdua dijadikan sebagai pasangan yang halal *krik krik krik*
Well it's always the guy who had to text and start the conversation first Every morning every day (in the end, got labeled as 'desperate')
Well there's girl who always texted me first Tapi pasal nak exchange duty haaa
So far guardians of the galaxy vol 2 is the best movie i've watched for 2017
@TwtPening Jangan kutuk rupa orang kurang cantik. Mana tahu esok lusa rupa kita lagi teruk dari dia. Kita tak boleh jamin rupa tu kekal sampai bila.
@xolovelya Jul 21 More the difference in the amount of likes u get on a picture depending on how much skin ur showing or how tight ur clothes are is sad
It's good to have someone who you can talk to when things ain't doing great
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