Friday, November 17, 2006

Ensisventine: 1st Show

Listening: Europe - The Final Countdown

Thursday, 16th November 2006. One small performance, one big step for EnsiKnights. The power of four.

Crowd strength: less than 30. Wakakak, but a nice starting gig.

After a long ride in the mrt, me and Idris met up with Yazid and Hasyim at the concert band room.

I had many doubts that morning. Mostly, it's about our guitars. I have already heard to our jamming recordings yesterday. It turns out that Yazid has problems with his palm muting. Yeps, it sounded more like ''skunking", seriously.

But Yazid displayed and proved me wrong at the early mini-session. He practised hard the day and night before. Then I'm more confident that we are very ready to hit the stage. Furthermore, Yazid has the most supporters at his school. That's good!

It's a surprise that we were the first to perform that morning(from third in order). Some organising error I guess. And also I was the first to discover that we brought up the wrong, faulty bass amp on stage. Okay. Delayed by 15 minutes...

Our original intro "Song Of War" was fair, but cool. Initially I was quite stage-frighted that I didn't nailed my slide notes. Followed by "If I Could Fly" by Helloween, it went really smooth. I didn't know how my bass sounded(the amp was facing away from me), but so far the solo-part is much better than our sessions. Hasyim screamed at the pre-solo part and that is smashing!

Our another original "Children Of The Earth" had the so-called best applause from our crowd. That's so unexpected. Looks like Hasyim has the magic. Moondance went smooth too, despite some little errors from Idris. Well, he did his best. All of us made our mark. March marsilings, march!!

I only stayed to watch the 2nd band(because they borrowed my stuff...). Their guitars are fine but the vocals is far from horrible(really, really horrible). Wakakaka. The drums are a bit out of place. It sounded like swing music instead of metal at the song "The Trooper". Wow, I'm a critic. Their words after they perform is, "I off!" "I don't wanna perform anymore!" That's so not professional. But their lead guitarist was more optimistic. He performed awesome too. Now gimme back my gadget!

As the day ended, I was addicted to performing. How I wish just now was a rehearsal... Seriously, I wish we had 6 songs instead of 4. My reaction after our last number is,"What? That's all? My fingers have no blisters yet!!

Next stop, rhythm masala and practice harder!

Special Thanks To
  • Allah The Greatest.
  • Idris, Hasyim and Yazid. They believe me and in the spirit of Ensisventine!
  • Coventide, their support made us larger than life
  • Azam, for his huge support and allowing me to perform with his bass
  • Zack, for taking the pictures
  • Adilah, for watching me perform, and introducing me to her pretty friend who says I'm cute (kembangan ako... memang la aku cute Wakakaka)
  • Our parents for letting us spent time practising together, and give us money to jamm
  • The crew who helped us set up the stage(nak kite tolong lepas habis? rilek sua. Adios!)
  • And last but not least (your name here), for reading

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