My childhood music influences I say. I can at least hum a part for each song.. from these albums... If I could still remember...

Hmm.. If you can see, I'm addicted to mostly rock & modern rock. No hip hop! One of these are my first ever metal albums I listen to...
It's my first week of my 9-week semester break. For the last 3 days, I've been waking up at 12 plus in the afternoon. Watching TV and warming up the seat; sitting in front of the pc. I hope I don't gain too much weight and become fat.

My home-cooked Main Course Meal: Rice, Mum's lauk sambal, blueberry juice, home-fried crackers. And lastly, the TV!
Not much is planned yet. I'm always this kind of person. Haha.
Plan to spend my last 40 bucks a micro-SD card from my hp. And maybe pre-order some metal stuff from Innoki. Maybe Death's The Sound Of Perseverance or Finntroll's Nattfodd or Einherjer. But not so confirmed.
Lots of mp3 files are rushing into my music folder. Like, 50+ per week. Lots of metal stuff 'smuggled' from peers and amigos. Of course I couldn't grab all those tunes instantly, slowly digesting.
I've also opened up a new folder named 'Extreme Metal'. Unlike my metalcore and nu-metal infested 'Metal' folder, here lies only true metal stuff like Black Metal, Viking Metal, Death Metal, and Thrash Metal etc. This is part of the 'Death To False Metal' movement. Haha.
Musical Projects...?
Ensisventine is still on further hiatus, as Flame & Ensilord is on their side bands. Well, actually I came to a point of turning Ensis into a blackened/extreme folk metal. To follow the sounds of Borknagar, Enslaved, Satyricon or the old Dissection. But at the moment, I need both hands at Assault/Nullified as a guitarist.
(Taken from previous Sunday after Chinatown performance.)
The bass and the electric guitars are 2 different worlds (I don't believe people saying that switching between playing bass and play guitars is similar and a child's play). The musical genre between Ensis and Assault is, too. This explains the difficulty of juggling between these two dimensions.
As for Faugust, I'm not that really into punk rock stuff anymore, like when I was 14. I used to love Anti-Flag, Ramones and and skate punk music, way back before I learnt to play the guitar. So I'm not taking Faugust into the fullest commitment. As a light hobby band.
Assault is soon performing at Bishan ITE, but without a full line-up. Kind assists from Firdaus-Then (Bee) on the bass and Flame on rhythm/lead guitars.
Also, I've created a solo-project consisting of a one-man band, me myself. Later to be revealed...
Happy 42th National Day! I've got nothing to talk about Singapore (other then it is a 'fine' country). But talk cock about my music. Heheh.
Top 3 Songs By Metal/Contemporary Hard Rock Bands
Source:'s Top 10 Songs By The Greatest Metal Artists
Most of the metal bands from digitaldreamdoor are non-underground/well-known. The list isn't really 'official' though, but I wanna give some comments...
I've picked 25 bands (my favourites, which I know at least 5 songs from them), and highlighted their top 3.
Arch Enemy
1. Silverwing
2. Heart Of Darkness
3. Dehumanization
Burning Angel lies at number 4.
Avenged Sevenfold
1. Bat Country
2. Beast And The Harlot
3. Seize the Day
Unholy Confessions is at number 4 while the infamous Chapter Four is at 6th. Also, their epic Sidewinder ranked 8th.

Black Sabbath
1. Paranoid
2. Black Sabbath
3. Iron Man
Hmm... Debatable.
1. Zero Tolerance
2. Baptized In blood
3. Spirit Crusher
Still new listening to this awesome band. I would put To Forgive Is to Suffer and Scavenger of Human Sorrow at the top...
1. Passenger
2. Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away)
3. Change (In The House of Flies)
One of my personal alternative metal favourites.. Huh? Passenger? Gotta download and check it out.
1. I Want Out
2. How Many Tears
3. Keepers Of The Seven Keys
The famous Halloween ranked at 9th placing. Some of my other favourites that SHOULD have been in the top 10: If I Could Fly, Heavy Metal (Is the Law), How Many Tears.

In Flames
1. Moonshield
2. Gyroscope
3. Clay Man
Wohoo! Clay Man is 3rd!! Only For The Weak appeared 6th. But, disappointingly one of their fine masterpiece Artifacts Of The Black Rain is ranked 8th. It deserves to be top 3!
Iron Maiden
1. Hallowed Be Thy Name
2. The Trooper
3. The Number Of The Beast
No comments. The above 3 are too predictable.
Judas Priest
1. You've Got Another Thing Coming
2. Breaking The Law
3. Beyond the Realms of Death
Hmm.. BTROF should have been the best ever from them.
Linkin Park
1. One Step Closer
2. Runaway
3. Crawling
Here you go LP fans... Somewhere I Belong is at number 7 while Numb at 8th. BAD NEWS: No KORN at WTF. They're much bigger than LP in the Nu-metal field...

1. Holy Wars... Punishment Due
2. Peace Sells
3. Hangar 18
Followed by Symphony Of Destruction at 4th placing.
1. Master of Puppets
2. One
3. Fade to Black
No comment.
1. Wishmaster
2. Beauty Of The Beast (Not to be confused with Beauty and the Beast)
3. Dead Boy's Poem
I've been a fan of this band for almost a year. But surprisingly, none of all the 10 top songs titles are heard by me! Here are MY top 3: Wish I Had an Angel, The Phantom of the Opera, Nemo.
Papa Roach
1. Last Resort
2. Scars
3. Getting Away With Murder
What?! Their pussy ballad Scars at second place?
Rage Against The Machine
1. Killing in the Name
2. Guerrilla Radio
3. Testify
The first placing is very predictable. Bulls On Parade is ranked 9th.
1. Stargazer
2. Kill The King
3. Long Live Rock 'n' Roll
Sadly, their vintage classic Temple Of King isn't at the list.
1. Rock You Like A Hurricane
2. No One Like You
3. Still Loving You
Wind Of Change is at number 5. My favourite Holiday isn't at the list!!

Shadows Fall
1. The Light That Binds
2. Eternity Is Within
3. To Ashes
The list must be updated, because my favourite In Effigy is not present at the list!
1. Angel Of Death
2. War Ensemble
3. Hell Awaits
Followed by Raining Blood at 4th. Bloodline is ranked 10th.
1. Iowa
2. Opium Of The People
3. Killers Are Quiet
Where the f*ck is Wait And Bleed in the list?! And Before I Forget?
1. Speed Of Light
2. Twilight Symphony
3. Infinity
The famous Black Diamond is ranked at number 5.
System Of A Down
1. B.Y.O.B.
2. Chop Suey!
3. Spiders
Cool. Very agree with number 1. But why Aerials not in the list?

1. Reflection
2. Schism
3. Intolerance
Tool is one of my personal favourites. Hmm...
1. Pull Harder on the Strings of Your Martyr
2. A Gunshot To The Head of Trepidation
3. Anthem (We Are the Fire)
Like Light to the Flies at number 5.
1. At War With Satan
2. Witchin' Hour
3. Raise the Dead
Bad news: Why Black Metal is not in the list(?!).
Some important metal bands that should have been included at the website (but absent):
Dark Tranquillity
Rotting Christ
... and many more; you can name it, my metal amigos.
Here are 7 situations, about desperate people. Willing to do anything, or never willing to change about themselves.
- My adek. I didn't allow her to borrow my lap top case because I need it most of the time. One day, I just came back from school. She entered my room suddenly. On her hand is my lap top case. She just left it on my table and walked out of my room. Wow. Degil nyer.
- A friend, willing to call me up just to ask for music stuff or to borrow an instrument. He didn't even ask whether I was in good health; not even a greeting.
- A pak cik, willing to stop the lift door by force, just to ask where I came back from. Damn despo sia. And kepo too.
- A band, willing to enter a band competition by breaking the rules. (Even if you guys win first place, at least surrender the prize and admit you guys illegally entered just to perform. Get it? Perform. Not to win.)
- A friend, willing to be in a relationship with a foreign girl whom he met online. And she's older than him. Never met in real life.
- An old friend, forcing me to skip school just to see him perform a gig. (C'mon. IT'S A WEEKDAY GIG! Can't expect everyone to come! Try getting a weekend gig and then make big invitations eg.Tapestry.)
- A couple, never failing to express their love in their msn nick name. (No steady, no life? Get a real hobby you two. Stop commercializing your puppy love!)
Now thanks for listening.
Latest News: Assault's new myspace!
This post have nothing to do with the emo pussy band t.b.s.
Before I start, I would like to ask you guys. Do you understand Iman's display name on MSN? Very weird.. And wacky too! Haha. Only the first two/three words is understandable.
It goes something a bit like this: "Karipap. Kopi. Boy drinks kopi. Girl dies." Or "Girl = bad. Boy = good. Car = expensive. Me = happy. You = kopi."
Some maths equation?! Alien secret code?! Wonder what's in his mind at the moment..?
Hahaha. Back to the story..
The first ever gig!

Finally, after more than 6 months since we jammed at Beats Merchant, Assault-Nullified had their first-ever gig.
The ground was wet, after rains. The event was delayed for more than half an hour. I managed to make friends with the crowd too. Farid's mother and his brother's friends. Nesh's rock amigos. And Clarence's cousin is pretty. Heheh.
Here are some of our pics from Wheelock Place.

My classic stance while performing.

Not much pictures of my other members. Anyway, thanks to little sis for the pics.
Comments from the viewers: My guitar is louder than Nesh (for the first time. Usually he eats up my sound during jammings!).
And my sound is extra 'crispy'. Wohoo. I bet I barbecued some ears. High treble is ear-piercing sh*t! Nevertheless, wicked! Gotta adjust the sound again.
Not forgetting I dropped my pick during the performance! And missed some frets during solos. Hahaha. But my friends say it's not so obvious. Plus the cables are loose...
The rest of the day
Let the pictures do the talking...
Our closest brother in arms Coventide!

Jaani's sister and my sister!

The ever-forceful millitants of Assault-Nullified!

From the land of heroes - Coventide!

All together now.. Cheese! The two little guys are the (future) producer and (future) managing executive producer!

More metal amigos..

This kick-ass band played a Deep-Purple-Led-Zeppelin-Dio medley! Old-timers, old enough to be my pak ciks! Young at heart, they say.

A typical bunch of mats playing emo punk. Haha. Good music though.

Wow, what a ride. A great day to live. That's all for now.
Lessons learnt:
Iman is.. err.. (scratch head.)
Lesser treble, more bass!
I look handsome in photos. Hahahahaha!
Gotta buy these books: "Soloing for dummies" & "Pick holding for dummies."