This post have nothing to do with the emo pussy band t.b.s.
Before I start, I would like to ask you guys. Do you understand Iman's display name on MSN? Very weird.. And wacky too! Haha. Only the first two/three words is understandable.
It goes something a bit like this: "Karipap. Kopi. Boy drinks kopi. Girl dies." Or "Girl = bad. Boy = good. Car = expensive. Me = happy. You = kopi."
Some maths equation?! Alien secret code?! Wonder what's in his mind at the moment..?
Hahaha. Back to the story..
The first ever gig!

Finally, after more than 6 months since we jammed at Beats Merchant, Assault-Nullified had their first-ever gig.
The ground was wet, after rains. The event was delayed for more than half an hour. I managed to make friends with the crowd too. Farid's mother and his brother's friends. Nesh's rock amigos. And Clarence's cousin is pretty. Heheh.
Here are some of our pics from Wheelock Place.

My classic stance while performing.

Not much pictures of my other members. Anyway, thanks to little sis for the pics.
Comments from the viewers: My guitar is louder than Nesh (for the first time. Usually he eats up my sound during jammings!).
And my sound is extra 'crispy'. Wohoo. I bet I barbecued some ears. High treble is ear-piercing sh*t! Nevertheless, wicked! Gotta adjust the sound again.
Not forgetting I dropped my pick during the performance! And missed some frets during solos. Hahaha. But my friends say it's not so obvious. Plus the cables are loose...
The rest of the day
Let the pictures do the talking...
Our closest brother in arms Coventide!

Jaani's sister and my sister!

The ever-forceful millitants of Assault-Nullified!

From the land of heroes - Coventide!

All together now.. Cheese! The two little guys are the (future) producer and (future) managing executive producer!

More metal amigos..

This kick-ass band played a Deep-Purple-Led-Zeppelin-Dio medley! Old-timers, old enough to be my pak ciks! Young at heart, they say.

A typical bunch of mats playing emo punk. Haha. Good music though.

Wow, what a ride. A great day to live. That's all for now.
Lessons learnt:
Iman is.. err.. (scratch head.)
Lesser treble, more bass!
I look handsome in photos. Hahahahaha!
Gotta buy these books: "Soloing for dummies" & "Pick holding for dummies."
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