I Don’t Belong Here
I do feel left out. Always I guess.
The pizza hut. From where I worked and sweated for self-financial. I think I’m the only one there who didn’t smoke. And when fasting month comes, only a few bunch fasts.
During break fast around 7, I always waited for someone to remind everyone there to starting eating. Sometimes, there’s no one to remind me. And I only start eating exactly at ten minutes past 7. Mother always told me, you’d lose the additional wages from God by delaying your break fast.

It’s a food-related workplace. I think most people can’t withstand the look and smell of them in front of their sight. Maybe it’s an acceptable reason for those who skipped fasting. And the riders, I think their job is exhausting, running in and out delivering the orders. So, why not eat as usual and be in the best shape for the task?
Whatever it is, I’m fasting in the name of Him, the Greatest (God, not the Finnish band lah). Not because I fast for my friends. Or for my parents. So what if I feel left out? I don’t have to follow the like rest.

And get this, I NEVER judged myself as a better Muslim than the rest. All humans are created equal, have their own sins and misdoings.
I’m an angel because I didn’t smoke? Because I didn’t neglect my prayers?
I’m HUMAN too; I have bad habits and own evilness, just like everyone and the rest. Only Allah (else, the Man you immortalize in your mind as your Creator and Master) judges us all. Heaven and hell.
“Human at sight, monster at heart.” – Chuck Schuldiner.
Every man has its own good and bad… from the heart.
Happy festive season to all you readers! I appreciate your time.
To my muslim and non-muslim friends, maaf zahir dan batin. Forgive me for my wrongs, harshness, blasphemies and false hopes. Of on accidental or on purpose.

Been practicing my guitars only on clean mode. Damn, it’s been more than four f*ckin’ weeks since I used my distortion pedal!! Time to get back to extreme melodic metal!!!
Huuuaarghh!!! (Metal warrior war cry.)
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