Friday, July 11, 2008

Daily Simpletons

To Farid, I moved my place because the spot is too narrow.

A Friday full of simpletons. Idiots. Morons. You heard me. Bunch nitwits who deserved to be stone cold stunnered by me.

Even at a mosque. A bunch of boneheads tried to fuck up with me. What the hell. I couldn't concentrate in my prayers. I'm just so damn upset. Angered. How I wish I could go military on them and make them cry. Simpletons indeed. 3 of them? 5? 6? Fuck them all!

Victim of irresponsibility. That's my new motto. My patience is tiring out on these bunch of blur dodobirds.

I was supposed to work today. But someone just sent me wrong info on my schedule. Sigh. I have no mood to work after all.

What an anger-trigger Friday. Fedap btul. But I'm glad that I just bought something for my mum's birthday on this Sunday. And did hundred something 'close-grip pull downs' later that night.

1 comment:

Clarence said...

Haha Who the person bro???Let him listen to some Immortal!!