Thursday, August 20, 2009

Blue shirt, white shirt

I've learnt that people may hit you with their brass knuckles which they carry around. Despite me trying my best to assist them.

I've learnt that women in blue do bite. Hard. Despite having a pretty and adorable first impression.

I've learnt that being the "second frontliner" is more enjoyable than "best frontliner". If I analyse really, at some point.

I've learnt not to judge a magazine by its cover. And seven bucks is a lot of money.

I've learnt that there's a lot of half-sane people out there.

And I've learnt that I'm learning.

Learning from past experiences. From today. And tomorrow.

Things to do by Aug:
Practice for gig on the 22nd
Sell my new guitar
Sell my Doom3 game
Reformat my computer
Reload mp3 with non-metal/punk/rock/hardrock songs
Find new SIP drummer

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