Wednesday, February 29, 2012

29 february 2012. woke up at 12 midnight, napped since yesterday at 8pm. ate akak's mee soto for supper. while watching the noose i recorded on tuesday.

went back to sleep and woke up at 9am. staraisyah from tagged messaged me good morning. and shortly after that she called me. she asked me when i would date her. i was surprised and confused. she always didn't reply my whatsapp. finally i got a date with a single girl. no, wait. she's "in a relationship and it's complicated", as stated at her facebook.

chatted with nurul ain about her crush problem. not really serious but just cute i think. hahaha. hmm..

working in the afternoon. spent most of the time at motor counter. partner with this sweet team alpha girl. her name is nazurah i think. or nazirah. we talked about taking driving tests. she passed on her second try.

now i just got back from work. went back together with wati. she didn't talk to me that much. i'm sweating and my shoulders are tired. taking a shower now.. good night, blogspot.

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