Friday, February 22, 2013

3 days hta course

made frens with spf guys. actually this course requirement is 5yrs of service or more. but ica.. send all less than 4yrs!!

so this means the guys from spf, scdf, sps & etc. all 'abang-abang' & 'kakak-kakak'. mostly their rank staff sergeant or bigger.

made frens with ssgt rosly. my partner in the class. his gf is also spf (not involved in the course). same division but different team.

other than that, I share with you.. the eye candy during the course is from my own place. I think the gal wearing fox jacket is cute. from team a..

I guess I thankful to be in the 'right' agency & division.. hahahah kiddingggg

the best part of the course is national education and games!! I learnt stories sg history of defending our own home.

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