Monday, December 23, 2013

today is 231213

MALAS nak keje ptg dgn delta nari. malassss.. nak amek mc pastu gi beli motor. i can give you 10 reasons why working with delta sux.

had a dream last night about MY BESTIE. we are hanging out. i follow her to a make-up shop. her friend is working there. then we go to the supermarket and buy other stuff.

HMMM i think i just miss my bestie that's all. or maybe my bestie miss me too, that's why she appear in my dream? haha

today at werk i started having SORETHROAT.. this weather making me sick uhh

i dun give FLOWERS to gals, because flowers will only die.

1 comment:

apoolbahari88 said...

so what are the reasons? im really interested to read it lol