Monday, December 28, 2015


It's okay to dump him/her simply because he/she is not husband/wife material.

Dear ladies Don't know what you got till it's gone Don't know how much you'll love him till he's already with someone else

You determine how far you go in life, nobody else .. but sometimes i depend on mrt to go from one end to the other end of singapore

Respect is something that you earn, not demand With that said, Hey boi lu kenal wa sapa tak boii? #haha

Manusia memang dicipte tidak sempurna Sedangkan orang yang kaya mewah pun ade masalah rumah tangga Sedangkan org yng beriman kuat beribadat pun boleh derhaka kpd mak bapak Sedangkan org yng penyabar pun boleh tukar menjadi incredible hulk

Me so cheeky. If your wedding got photo booth, I'll be holding the sign "i came here for the chix"

It's okay to be open-minded with your close friends, as long as there's mutual respect

Kucing mengandung perut swaying left and right.

#HalalMythBusters E211 and E224 - also known as Sodium Benzoate and Potassium Metabisulphite - aren't derived from le pigs.

"lepas keje balek rumah. Nak main dgn anak, tapi anak da tido. Terpakse la main dgn bini.."
'main' means to have fun and play toys together. korg takmo otak kotor hahaa

Looking back at my facebook in 2009.. kimice byk pulak chix tulis kat wall aku. Syasya sape sak

Janganlah membalas keburukan dengan keburukan. Bersabar itu lebih baik

At times, we need a change of perspective in life to see things in a different light. Look on the bright side. Always count our blessings.

#nothingLastsForever so let's appreciate the things we have .. that are still in working condition.

Almighty! Help me to conquer anger with gentleness, greed with generosity and evil with goodness. Help me to serve YOU always. Aameen.

Wahai kaum hawa, Macam mana baik dan sopan pun seseorang lelaki itu .. dia tetap ada ego dan sikap tidak mahu mengalah

Dear ladies No matter how decent and humble a guy is .. there's always a side of him which says "you're totally wrong, I'm totally right"

Everyone's struggling with something in life. Don't think yours is more significant than the other person's. You've not walked their path.

Like hatred, jealousy can destroy you. It's a poison in the soul that comes from feeling less than another. So stop comparing & be thankful!

Remember that each day in #Ramadan is a build up to the final ten nights. Don't sprint. You need peak performance. Be regular & consistent.

Words have incredible power. You can choose to be negative & demotivating or positive & life-changing. The choice is yours. Be conscious.

A person being “too busy” is a myth. People make time for the things that are really important to them!

sometimes you have to force to love your job. it may bring sweet or bitter experiences. anger, frustration, stress etc...but remember. your job is the reason why your parents get to retire happily.... it's the reason you get to have your own transportation. the reason you have lots of friends in your contacts list.... it's the reason you have millions of things in your own room.. clothes, shoes, electronic gadgets, hobby-related items etc.... and sometimes it's the reason you have a relationship/spouse!! hahahah

You know someone is your friend when you can insult them and they laugh and insult you back.

Tiga orang yang tidak akan ditolak doanya: orang puasa sampai ia berbuka, imam yang adil, dan doa orang yang dizalimi (HR. Al-Tirmidzi)

The biggest mistake that you could make is lose someone who was trying to make you a better person. People like that are hard to find.

Age 4: "I love Mommy." Age 16: "I HATE HER." Age 20: "Mom was right" Age 57: "I wish my Mom was still here." Retweet if you love your Mom.

Did dc10 just now.. my partner indian lady.. she on music loud2 listening to usher.. .. just kidding! Die bukak lagu keleng la!! Hahaha

Mum: sorry, besok umi sibuk kene kemas2 rumah Me: mcm paham ah lu. Takmo step busy ah gal Mum: hah. ape? Me: sorry just kidding umi

Kite kahwin pasal nk buat family, betul tak Bukan kahwin "eh bini aku lawa korg jgn jeles la sei. Majlis kite pulak yng paling grand"

kenape ade prompan susah sangat nak reply whatsapp. Reply lambat 3-4 hari aku actually masih okay. Ni tak reply terus

Minah: you. Test lauk ni. i masak. Mat: okay. Kalau sedap? Minah: kalau sedap you cium pipi i Mat: kalau tak? Minah: you cium tapak kaki i

Minah: you. Dat guy bawak ducati sey Mat: kenape. Tu bikin bawah you lecak?

"i hate people who borrow money and has no initiative to repay back as soon as possible" Me too.

"tido rumah matair" "tido rumah gf" "tido rumah bf" biase la. Zaman modern

Ringtone nenek aku maroon5. Hahah

friends who can join you last minute are the best. On the other hand, friends who cancel you last minute are.. you know lah.

Kite keje untuk dapat rezeki. Bukan keje untuk dapat stress. Ape2, kite chill.. #ceybah #speaking #actuallyAkuNiMcmPaham #haha

"You just need to have a bigger dreams. Never stop exploring. Never stop dreaming." Betul tu, tapi solat 5 waktu jgn lupe boi.

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