Honestly speaking I'm more excited about getting a new Sony action cam than about going to Europe for a holiday
Lebih baik show-off motor daripada gf, sebab gf belum halal. Lagipun couples yng mature usually prefer low-profile
Khaled Beydoun Verified account @KhaledBeydoun Jul 16 More Dear France, Congratulations on winning the #WorldCup. 80% of your team is African, cut out the racism and xenophobia. 50% of your team are Muslims, cut out the Islamophobia. Africans and Muslims delivered you a second World Cup, now deliver them justice.
@vikarworld Jul 16 More My Amma: See he's only 19 and he won the world cup Me: Because his parents let him pursue what he wants at a young age. My Amma went silent mode after that.
Like i said before Everyone has a broken story. They only post what other people want to think of them especially 'beauty', 'rich' or 'fame'
Not that i want to condemn others, but remember sometimes you can't totally trust based on first impressions
Kenape bapok suke lepak town? Sebab kalau lepak residential mall, kene tangkap dgn mak
Abeh kalau pakcik bebual dgn aku pastu sambil garuk *TOOT* for nearly 2 minutes
Abeh kalau goat buat van blocker boleh upload video vines Aku rase kat sini aku boleh upload one entire season cite off their rockers
Iklan Maggi ni tak real langsung. Asyik family kaya dapur mewah mak masak maggi lepastu anak "yay maggi" Patutnya iklan dkt dapur buruk flat lama suami be like "taktahu nak mkn apa malam ni, dompet nipis gaji lambat lagi" then isteri be like "abang jgn la risau, Maggi kan ada"
@ImranAjmain Jul 30 More Bila kita dipesan “buat kerja biar ikhlas”, that means to do it properly & wholeheartedly, without complains, without sighing, without tunjuk muka moody muncung tak terima disuruh2 Kita dijanji pahala bila bantu orang, apa lagi kalau kita bayar utk buat sesuatu. Do your best!
@SajaSembang Aug 2 More 8 sebab Allah hantar sakit;
1. Dia tahu kita kuat
2. Dia rindukan kita
3. Kita terlalu leka dgn dunia
4. Nak hapuskan dosa kita
5. Jadikan kita hamba bersyukur
6. Sudah tibanya bertaubat
7. Ingatkan kita ttg kematian
8. Nak tunjuk siapa yg setia disisi waktu kita sakit
A more wallet-friendly garmen can make us all more patriotic
Kdg2 aku nak nasihat member aku ni.. tapi die masih tak matured.. perangai childish.. bila agaknye die akan ade sense of responsibility Cara kau terima nasihat mcm budak2. Dari sec school perangai tak berubah. Asalkan kau bahagia la
Belum kawin/tunang tapi jari manis pakai cincin mahal 🤔 ibarat aku ckp "oh, motor ni strictly aku bwk untuk ubereats" sambil duduk atas r1m
Belum kawin/tunang tapi jari manis pakai cincin mahal 🤔 ibarat aku ckp "oh, motor ni aku buat trackday la sia" sambil duduk atas tricity125
I'm sad when I couldn't ride my suzuki for the kukup trip.. was about to make it as a farewell trip before scrapping
"How a man treats his 🏍️ is how a man will treat his lady" I'm the 13th owner of my suzuki. This prostitute better be grateful as my lady 😂
Correction bro, how a man treats his own mother, is how a man will treat his future mother of his child 😌
Daripada baca quotes macam gini, lebih baik baca hadith riwayat dan kisah2 Rasulullah dan isteri Baginda. Just saying
I think i gonna start a small shop selling used travelling goods. Since most people seldom travel. Entrepreneur. #AvrilLavigneFrankLeboeuf
Belgium and switzerland is basically like singapore. It's a mix of multi-languages spoken by the regionals. Some don't know
My single friend said 'marriage doesn't solve any problems' In my opinion.. at least through marriage, you know someone is always by your side as you go solving them
Well for the past 7 days I've been sleeping from 5am to 11am That's 11pm to 5am in european timing
Sunday, December 23, 2018
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
tweet 1 jun - 3 jul
@MaisarahMahmud May 23
I have so much respect for mothers. Balik kerja penat still boleh masak utk berbuka & they are the first one to wake up for sahur. May Allah grant them the highest place in Jannah
Maybe it's about time i sell one of my bikes and get myself a new laptop
You either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain
@swagsterzsk Jun 5
matin Retweeted
i dont see the reason to kutok these kids . i mean like come on .
dosa ? dorang tanggung
ada anak ? dorang tanggung
masok neraka ? dorang tanggung
hotel ? trivago
@asonofapeach Jun 18
Dalam banyak-banyak nasi, nasi apa yang paling susah ditelan?
(such a simple and yet piercingly true teka-teki)
Ade bagus nye bwk motor tinggi mcm nc. Can look further ahead of traffic for road hazards, because your eye level is higher than some cars
Dulu profile picture pakai tudung, skrg profile picture pakai short dress nampak lulut 🤔 Who am i to judge
Jun 24
Some people are just lazy fucks that they’re too lazy to go down the stairs even though it’s only 1 floor down. I understand if they have any health problems or they’re old, but these are healthy individuals
I intend to sell my nc next year at 9.7k
Excited betul nak gi honeymoon? Ni nak kahwin tau. Bukan nak gi holiday. Kau da calculate ke duit catering, dj, kompang, transport bla blaa
Bukan ape.. bende2 kene plan betul2.. dun focus on that one particular secondary objective
Fyi mak bapak aku back then orang2 susah.. they only honeymoon 2 years after their marriage
Jun 26
Did u know?
Increase the Beauty
Increase the Income
Improve ur Health
Release ur Tension
Peaceful Sleep
I overshot my mobile data by 6gb 😵 Next month bill boomz habisss Ni gara2 world cup streaming
Jul 3
Janganlah takut utk berkahwin hanya kerana masalah rumah tangga yg makin banyak. Suami bermasalah, isteri buat masalah.
Sama macam driving, hampir setiap minit ada accident, tapi takkan sebab itu kita taknak drive.
Yang penting, persediaan. Kalau jadi juga, hadapi dengan tabah.
I have so much respect for mothers. Balik kerja penat still boleh masak utk berbuka & they are the first one to wake up for sahur. May Allah grant them the highest place in Jannah
Maybe it's about time i sell one of my bikes and get myself a new laptop
You either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain
@swagsterzsk Jun 5
matin Retweeted
i dont see the reason to kutok these kids . i mean like come on .
dosa ? dorang tanggung
ada anak ? dorang tanggung
masok neraka ? dorang tanggung
hotel ? trivago
@asonofapeach Jun 18
Dalam banyak-banyak nasi, nasi apa yang paling susah ditelan?
(such a simple and yet piercingly true teka-teki)
Ade bagus nye bwk motor tinggi mcm nc. Can look further ahead of traffic for road hazards, because your eye level is higher than some cars
Dulu profile picture pakai tudung, skrg profile picture pakai short dress nampak lulut 🤔 Who am i to judge
Jun 24
Some people are just lazy fucks that they’re too lazy to go down the stairs even though it’s only 1 floor down. I understand if they have any health problems or they’re old, but these are healthy individuals
I intend to sell my nc next year at 9.7k
Excited betul nak gi honeymoon? Ni nak kahwin tau. Bukan nak gi holiday. Kau da calculate ke duit catering, dj, kompang, transport bla blaa
Bukan ape.. bende2 kene plan betul2.. dun focus on that one particular secondary objective
Fyi mak bapak aku back then orang2 susah.. they only honeymoon 2 years after their marriage
Jun 26
Did u know?
Increase the Beauty
Increase the Income
Improve ur Health
Release ur Tension
Peaceful Sleep
I overshot my mobile data by 6gb 😵 Next month bill boomz habisss Ni gara2 world cup streaming
Jul 3
Janganlah takut utk berkahwin hanya kerana masalah rumah tangga yg makin banyak. Suami bermasalah, isteri buat masalah.
Sama macam driving, hampir setiap minit ada accident, tapi takkan sebab itu kita taknak drive.
Yang penting, persediaan. Kalau jadi juga, hadapi dengan tabah.
Thursday, June 21, 2018
tweets 1 mar - 31 may
@aidaazlin_ Mar 3 Sometimes when we are not looking for what we want, we find what we need.
Sometimes I annoy you because your reaction is so adorable and I'm very happy to have such an adorable person like you
I may be a rider but I seriously don't get it when people collect arai helmets
Now i know how amran feel He has an old mercedes Aircon die pernah rosak, power steering rosak, pintu takleh lock etc.. But die punye maintenance usually thousand plus hahah So i guess it's not so bad for my 1999 suzuki
Aku rase org paling mulia Org yng rajin nak belajar & org tak lokek ilmu
Finally downloading steam because my gf told me to #gamerGirls 😍 #pleaseMarryMe #tunangThisYearPlease
"If i were a boy 🎶" Tak, skrg kau tu ape
The more cylinders you have and the bigger your engine capacity, the shitter the fuel consumption is The reason why people downgrade
@LawakkHambar Mar 14
Kelebihan dpt pasangan yg banyak cakap :1. Dlm kereta, tak perlu buka radio2. Kau tak perlu tanya, semua benda dia cerita3. Tak bosan sebab semua benda kau akan tahu4. Kalau dia tiba-tiba diam, maknanya dia lapar or tgh marah so senanglah kau nak tahu
My definition of 'date' is simply going out with a person of the opposite gender; i don't hold their hands or hug them because of respect And no kisses. Yes, there'll be a few that agree to pillion on my bike, other than that I respect their decision. I don't really consider myself pious but my parents are. I'm just living on how they brought me up. Anyways these are all past stories
Amran Fans @_AmranFans Mar 18
Kenapa kena ikut budaya barat?Orang kita jemput ramai-ramai sebab nk mengeratkan silaturahim, nk jiran-jiran, sedara mara semua tahu bahawa si anak tu dah berkahwin.Baru lah tak mendatangkan fitnah kalau ada yg ternampak pasangan tu keluar masuk hotel.
@squidslippers Mar 19
hey middle-aged people......you might find this hard to believe, but if a store closes at 6:00, that means you should be ~leaving~ the store at 6:00, not entering the store at 6:00. it's weird, i know. and difficult to understand. but you can do it. i believe in you.
"Hok aloh, hadioh mok bek kahteh sepadeh" A makcik from kedah receiving kate spade bag from her generous son as a present
Reasons to avoid liter bikes - crappy fuel consumption - tires go bald faster - speed cameras everywhere - degree burns on thighs and legs
"Diorg nk ckp ape, ckp la. Itu kan mulut diorg. Hak diorg."
@smrtsg Mar 26
When I was younger, I always felt like I was a man trapped in a woman's body. Then I was born.
Don’t blame a clown for acting like a clown 🤡, blame yourself for going to the circus
Sometimes your partner is not someone you understand but someone you want to coexist until the end of time
@NagarajRaj_Raj Mar 30
Habis degree umur 28 masih satu kejayaan. Kahwin 1st umur 35 masih satu kejayaan. Beli rumah pertama umur 38 pon masih satu kejayaan. "Follow your own pace. The moon and the sun are different But then they still shine when the time is right."
@Alia_Afina Mar 29
Jangan seronok sangat sebarkan aib orang lain. Kita masing2 ada aib.. Allah tutup aib kita, but once Allah buka.
@louisliaw Mar 31
Malay girls should date Chinese boys because they won’t say anything about you wearing the hijab or not, solat or not, but will still know you guys gotta eat at halal places.
@SyafaatNasir Apr 1
Kita sebagai lelaki rileks je tengok perempuan berebut beli Victoria Secret ni. Jangan kutuk. Lelaki masa nak beli tiket final bola pon berebut macam orang hilang akal juga.
@indianavatara Apr 23
Be with someone that handles conflict with maturity. Keep in mind, it’s you and him vs the problem, not you vs him. Learn to communicate and find a solution together.
"Sometimes life was like smoking in silence.."
Makcik, gi asapkan dapur lagi bagus dari asapkan rokok. Laki cik pun da lapar
@NoAmmaPessimist Apr 3
The grass is greener on the other side, because it’s being watered well while you rather watch others’ grass than to water your own.
Sometimes choosing her/him is like choosing between a rvf400 or a cb400x when you finally passed your class 2a
Silence, humble and kindness. These are always the 3 things people mistake as weakness.
@smrtsg Apr 14
Time is a construct of man, a means of adding value and structure to a chaotic universe, it serves no real purpose, it's endless and infinite, unfathomable and subjective''You're still fucking late' replied my boss.
@harara_ahmed Apr 12
To my dead brothers in Syria, to my crying mothers in Afghanistan, to my screaming sisters in Iraq, to my burned and hanged people in Burma, to my crying children in Palestine and to the forgotten people in Somalia, May Allah grant you justice and Jannah ... Ameen
Don't be foolish and expose every blessing of your life to everyone and think that they’ll be happy for you. Some will, but many won’t. The evil eye is real. Learn to keep things private and not to share too much with those who could possibly harm you.
Jalan menuju ke neraka selalunye paling senang, jalan menuju ke syurga selalunye yng paling susah
@smrtsg Apr 18
People say gambling ruins lives but it's brought our family closer. We had to move to a 1 bedroom flat
"Life is complicated But death is simple" One of the reasons people choose suicide
@HCall96 Apr 18
Amalan berdiam diri juga termasuk antara amalan yang baik.Apabila banyak bercakap, banyak juga kesalahan yang di ucapkan.Lebih baik kurang bercakap dan banyakkan berdiam diri.Nabi s.a.w juga selalu berdiam diri. 💕
@kakisembangKS Apr 16
Apa sebab nabi suruh kita berdiam masa tengah marah?Nabi taknak kita lukakan hati orang lain. Lidah orang yang tengah marah ni setajam pisau.Kalau rasa badmood, jangan lah lepaskan dekat orang lain. Jadi bersabarlah dan diamlah. Bila susah buat pahala, jangan tambah dosa. 😊
Abeh kalau colleague bulu hidung panjang pastu mcm ade caterpillar brown color hinggap kat tali hitam
Why do diluted soft drinks taste awesome after being stored in the refrigerator for more than 24 hrs?
Thruxton 2015 for S$21,000
Or get 2 of these 2004 drz '08 spec3 '10 hayabusa '12 fz8 '14 duke390 '15 msx125
"Kalau tak naik pangkat segi keje takpe, in shaa Allah naik pangkat segi lain. Mcm dpt cucu ke, anak ke.." Random pakcik ports
Sacrificial is the purest form of love haha
Behind every successful, 'established' or 'flawless' person on social media, there's actually a broken story Just God's way of being fair
@zakimits May 15
Jika kau lewatkan solat,Allah akan lewatkan kau dari•Kejayaan•Rezeki•Jodoh•DoaSegeralah menunaikan solat dan solatlah di awal waktu. 😇
Actually love is about the little things Like, even though my gf suare serak mcm rockers.. I think of her voice every night before sleep
@syrhaziq May 18
Too egoistic to forgive someone because they’ve made mistakes. Don’t you do mistake? Just because nobody have confront you about your mistake, doesn’t mean you’ve not done any. You ain’t perfect man. So stop being so hypocrite towards another being.
@kelakarni 14 Dec 2016
Tak nak gemuk? Ikutlah sunnah nabi "makan kalau lapar, berhenti sebelum kenyang". InsyaAllah ia membantu anda supaya tak gemuk. 👌
Sometimes I annoy you because your reaction is so adorable and I'm very happy to have such an adorable person like you
I may be a rider but I seriously don't get it when people collect arai helmets
Now i know how amran feel He has an old mercedes Aircon die pernah rosak, power steering rosak, pintu takleh lock etc.. But die punye maintenance usually thousand plus hahah So i guess it's not so bad for my 1999 suzuki
Aku rase org paling mulia Org yng rajin nak belajar & org tak lokek ilmu
Finally downloading steam because my gf told me to #gamerGirls 😍 #pleaseMarryMe #tunangThisYearPlease
"If i were a boy 🎶" Tak, skrg kau tu ape
The more cylinders you have and the bigger your engine capacity, the shitter the fuel consumption is The reason why people downgrade
@LawakkHambar Mar 14
Kelebihan dpt pasangan yg banyak cakap :1. Dlm kereta, tak perlu buka radio2. Kau tak perlu tanya, semua benda dia cerita3. Tak bosan sebab semua benda kau akan tahu4. Kalau dia tiba-tiba diam, maknanya dia lapar or tgh marah so senanglah kau nak tahu
My definition of 'date' is simply going out with a person of the opposite gender; i don't hold their hands or hug them because of respect And no kisses. Yes, there'll be a few that agree to pillion on my bike, other than that I respect their decision. I don't really consider myself pious but my parents are. I'm just living on how they brought me up. Anyways these are all past stories
Amran Fans @_AmranFans Mar 18
Kenapa kena ikut budaya barat?Orang kita jemput ramai-ramai sebab nk mengeratkan silaturahim, nk jiran-jiran, sedara mara semua tahu bahawa si anak tu dah berkahwin.Baru lah tak mendatangkan fitnah kalau ada yg ternampak pasangan tu keluar masuk hotel.
@squidslippers Mar 19
hey middle-aged people......you might find this hard to believe, but if a store closes at 6:00, that means you should be ~leaving~ the store at 6:00, not entering the store at 6:00. it's weird, i know. and difficult to understand. but you can do it. i believe in you.
"Hok aloh, hadioh mok bek kahteh sepadeh" A makcik from kedah receiving kate spade bag from her generous son as a present
Reasons to avoid liter bikes - crappy fuel consumption - tires go bald faster - speed cameras everywhere - degree burns on thighs and legs
"Diorg nk ckp ape, ckp la. Itu kan mulut diorg. Hak diorg."
@smrtsg Mar 26
When I was younger, I always felt like I was a man trapped in a woman's body. Then I was born.
Don’t blame a clown for acting like a clown 🤡, blame yourself for going to the circus
Sometimes your partner is not someone you understand but someone you want to coexist until the end of time
@NagarajRaj_Raj Mar 30
Habis degree umur 28 masih satu kejayaan. Kahwin 1st umur 35 masih satu kejayaan. Beli rumah pertama umur 38 pon masih satu kejayaan. "Follow your own pace. The moon and the sun are different But then they still shine when the time is right."
@Alia_Afina Mar 29
Jangan seronok sangat sebarkan aib orang lain. Kita masing2 ada aib.. Allah tutup aib kita, but once Allah buka.
@louisliaw Mar 31
Malay girls should date Chinese boys because they won’t say anything about you wearing the hijab or not, solat or not, but will still know you guys gotta eat at halal places.
@SyafaatNasir Apr 1
Kita sebagai lelaki rileks je tengok perempuan berebut beli Victoria Secret ni. Jangan kutuk. Lelaki masa nak beli tiket final bola pon berebut macam orang hilang akal juga.
@indianavatara Apr 23
Be with someone that handles conflict with maturity. Keep in mind, it’s you and him vs the problem, not you vs him. Learn to communicate and find a solution together.
"Sometimes life was like smoking in silence.."
Makcik, gi asapkan dapur lagi bagus dari asapkan rokok. Laki cik pun da lapar
@NoAmmaPessimist Apr 3
The grass is greener on the other side, because it’s being watered well while you rather watch others’ grass than to water your own.
Sometimes choosing her/him is like choosing between a rvf400 or a cb400x when you finally passed your class 2a
Silence, humble and kindness. These are always the 3 things people mistake as weakness.
@smrtsg Apr 14
Time is a construct of man, a means of adding value and structure to a chaotic universe, it serves no real purpose, it's endless and infinite, unfathomable and subjective''You're still fucking late' replied my boss.
@harara_ahmed Apr 12
To my dead brothers in Syria, to my crying mothers in Afghanistan, to my screaming sisters in Iraq, to my burned and hanged people in Burma, to my crying children in Palestine and to the forgotten people in Somalia, May Allah grant you justice and Jannah ... Ameen
Don't be foolish and expose every blessing of your life to everyone and think that they’ll be happy for you. Some will, but many won’t. The evil eye is real. Learn to keep things private and not to share too much with those who could possibly harm you.
Jalan menuju ke neraka selalunye paling senang, jalan menuju ke syurga selalunye yng paling susah
@smrtsg Apr 18
People say gambling ruins lives but it's brought our family closer. We had to move to a 1 bedroom flat
"Life is complicated But death is simple" One of the reasons people choose suicide
Respect teachers. Not only their quantity of workload is high, so is their level of responsibility for their students.
If you've been in a situation where you wish you can take back your words You'll talk less A situation where you regret but it's too late
Even though you point out every weaknesses that I have you keep comparing me with other guys you didn't get me anything for my birthday I still love you and I forgive you because that's just your little habit And I know you'll mature into a woman who will appreciate me For who I am For the food that I'll bring to the table For the little things that we have and cherish that money can't buy I love you
@HCall96 Apr 18
Amalan berdiam diri juga termasuk antara amalan yang baik.Apabila banyak bercakap, banyak juga kesalahan yang di ucapkan.Lebih baik kurang bercakap dan banyakkan berdiam diri.Nabi s.a.w juga selalu berdiam diri. 💕
@kakisembangKS Apr 16
Apa sebab nabi suruh kita berdiam masa tengah marah?Nabi taknak kita lukakan hati orang lain. Lidah orang yang tengah marah ni setajam pisau.Kalau rasa badmood, jangan lah lepaskan dekat orang lain. Jadi bersabarlah dan diamlah. Bila susah buat pahala, jangan tambah dosa. 😊
Abeh kalau colleague bulu hidung panjang pastu mcm ade caterpillar brown color hinggap kat tali hitam
Why do diluted soft drinks taste awesome after being stored in the refrigerator for more than 24 hrs?
Thruxton 2015 for S$21,000
Or get 2 of these 2004 drz '08 spec3 '10 hayabusa '12 fz8 '14 duke390 '15 msx125
"Kalau tak naik pangkat segi keje takpe, in shaa Allah naik pangkat segi lain. Mcm dpt cucu ke, anak ke.." Random pakcik ports
Sacrificial is the purest form of love haha
Behind every successful, 'established' or 'flawless' person on social media, there's actually a broken story Just God's way of being fair
@zakimits May 15
Jika kau lewatkan solat,Allah akan lewatkan kau dari•Kejayaan•Rezeki•Jodoh•DoaSegeralah menunaikan solat dan solatlah di awal waktu. 😇
Actually love is about the little things Like, even though my gf suare serak mcm rockers.. I think of her voice every night before sleep
@syrhaziq May 18
Too egoistic to forgive someone because they’ve made mistakes. Don’t you do mistake? Just because nobody have confront you about your mistake, doesn’t mean you’ve not done any. You ain’t perfect man. So stop being so hypocrite towards another being.
@kelakarni 14 Dec 2016
Tak nak gemuk? Ikutlah sunnah nabi "makan kalau lapar, berhenti sebelum kenyang". InsyaAllah ia membantu anda supaya tak gemuk. 👌
Sunday, June 10, 2018
tweets 1 jan - 28 feb
To buy or not to buy BUY:
- a spare 🚲 just in case
- a shorter height
- classic rare gem
- i can pay in cash
- v-twin!
- 4k is worth 2 months salary
- more maintenance and $$
- old bike hard to rely
- lebih baik save for future
Setiap orang ada rezeki masing-masing
Ada yang dapat habiskan pelajaran
Ada yang dapat rumah pertama sebelum umur 30
Ada yang dapat travel merata-rata
Ada yang dapat pergi haji di usia muda
Ada yang dapat kerja idaman
Dan macam-macam lagilah
Tenang saja Rezeki kita, ada
Da 10 tahun tak cuci gigi.. finally went for a scaling and polishing dental appointment Lesser taik gigi now.
"Kenape lelaki suka prompan cantik yng high-maintenance?" Same reason why guys ride or drive panigales, superdukes, maseratis and mclarens It's all a case of bragging rights. Like, a trophy wife. Because she has that body figure, every other guy would wanna take a glimpse of her
There's a saying Jalan menuju ke syurga, jalan paling susah Jalan menuju ke neraka, jalan paling senang
Mat moto bagi nama motor nama perempuan Minah moto bagi nama motor nama lelaki Cuba korg cium motor korg, tukar jadi prince/princess tak
@_sigis: "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life thinking its stupid"
@sujimy Jan 25 Anakku, jgn malukan sesiapa di Social Media. Budaya ini bukan naluri kita yg sudah terbentuk. Walau difitnah buruk, tdk perlu malukan si pelaku yg mematuk.Kerana dia ada bahagiannya nanti. Teruskan hidup dgn rasa pasti keadilan akan timbul satu hari nanti.Itu lagi bererti.
@annsay_553 Nov 2017 Hari ini kita mandi sendiri,Esok2 org mandikan kita.Hidup jgn pentingkan diri,Jangan sombong dan takbur.
kejar popularity
kejar pangkat
kejar kerja senang
kejar cepat kaya
kejar prompan
kejar bus macam kejar last train
kejar akhirat
Life teaches me that there's no short cut to everything Some people always assume that the green is greener on the other side, but fail to water their own grass
Possible conspiracy: ofo and obikes are always in poor and vandalized condition because mobike paid people to damage their competitors
@nursyaqirahhh Feb 3
LELAKi jangan kamu nikahi 6 jenis perempuan ini:1. Al-Annanah (suka mengeluh)2. Al-Mananah (suka mengungkit)3. Al-Hananah (suka membandingkan)4. Al-Haddaqah (boros)5. Al-Barraqah (melampau dlm berhias)6. Al-Syaddaqah (perempuan yg bnyk cakap)Dari Imam al-ghazali
@Awkward_Syed 15 Feb 2017 Tawaduk itu apabila setiap kali melihat orang lain, dihati akan berkata: "Orang itu lebih baik dari aku."-Imam Hassan Al-Basri Rahimahullah
Lepas jamah parallel-twin dgn 90d-vtwin, nak try 52d-twin with shaft driven pulak.. honda deauville
Walking from one bus stop to another while trying to finish the dessert #Genius
@ShaykhAzhar When you constantly ask someone why they are not married yet, that can be a form of emotional abuse.Either mind your own business or offer to help.Stop asking that question.
@aimaanbanna 10 Mar 2017 Biar pekerjaan tidak hebat, yang penting jaga solat.Buat apa kerja kat dunia hebat tapi perkerjaan sebagai hamba Tuhan gagal kan?
The mechanic said 'lepas da scrap motor ni, bwk hayabusa la bro. 1300" Hmmm I'm not in the mood for in-line 4 yet. hehe. panigale 1299?
Lebih baik ade 2 motor Atau 2 guitar electric Atau 2 computer Atau 2 jam rolex Atau 2 canon dslr .. daripada ade 2 gf/bini
@ataullah00 Feb 17 Seorang lelaki bertanya seorang Shaykh di Whatsapp,“Rumah saya telah didatangi semut dan lipas yang banyak. Adakah ini petanda sihir? Apakah rukyah yang sepatutnya saya baca?”Sh: Tidak, itu adalah petanda bahawa rumah kamu itu kotor. Tinggalkan Whatsapp, dan mulalah menyapu.
@hafizahhabshee 1.Minum air kosong 2 liter sehari..no air sejuk.. 2.makan la apa je awak nak mkn..TAPI kuantiti tu sikit ye.. 3. Selepas pukul 7pm NO FOOD ALLOWED ahahaha pastu exercise laaaa..hehehe 30 minit pon cukup.. kena kuat iman dgn mental la..hehe 💕
@ShadowWalkers88 Feb 25 Diamnya orang yang bertanggungjawab itu lebih buruk daripada bisingnya orang jahat.
Even though your voice is like mak-mak walking a bit tempang muke jerawat batu .. if i want to be by your side, i'll be by your side ❤️
- a spare 🚲 just in case
- a shorter height
- classic rare gem
- i can pay in cash
- v-twin!
- 4k is worth 2 months salary
- more maintenance and $$
- old bike hard to rely
- lebih baik save for future
Setiap orang ada rezeki masing-masing
Ada yang dapat habiskan pelajaran
Ada yang dapat rumah pertama sebelum umur 30
Ada yang dapat travel merata-rata
Ada yang dapat pergi haji di usia muda
Ada yang dapat kerja idaman
Dan macam-macam lagilah
Tenang saja Rezeki kita, ada
Da 10 tahun tak cuci gigi.. finally went for a scaling and polishing dental appointment Lesser taik gigi now.
"Kenape lelaki suka prompan cantik yng high-maintenance?" Same reason why guys ride or drive panigales, superdukes, maseratis and mclarens It's all a case of bragging rights. Like, a trophy wife. Because she has that body figure, every other guy would wanna take a glimpse of her
There's a saying Jalan menuju ke syurga, jalan paling susah Jalan menuju ke neraka, jalan paling senang
Mat moto bagi nama motor nama perempuan Minah moto bagi nama motor nama lelaki Cuba korg cium motor korg, tukar jadi prince/princess tak
@_sigis: "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life thinking its stupid"
@sujimy Jan 25 Anakku, jgn malukan sesiapa di Social Media. Budaya ini bukan naluri kita yg sudah terbentuk. Walau difitnah buruk, tdk perlu malukan si pelaku yg mematuk.Kerana dia ada bahagiannya nanti. Teruskan hidup dgn rasa pasti keadilan akan timbul satu hari nanti.Itu lagi bererti.
@annsay_553 Nov 2017 Hari ini kita mandi sendiri,Esok2 org mandikan kita.Hidup jgn pentingkan diri,Jangan sombong dan takbur.

Life teaches me that there's no short cut to everything Some people always assume that the green is greener on the other side, but fail to water their own grass
Possible conspiracy: ofo and obikes are always in poor and vandalized condition because mobike paid people to damage their competitors
@nursyaqirahhh Feb 3
LELAKi jangan kamu nikahi 6 jenis perempuan ini:1. Al-Annanah (suka mengeluh)2. Al-Mananah (suka mengungkit)3. Al-Hananah (suka membandingkan)4. Al-Haddaqah (boros)5. Al-Barraqah (melampau dlm berhias)6. Al-Syaddaqah (perempuan yg bnyk cakap)Dari Imam al-ghazali
@Awkward_Syed 15 Feb 2017 Tawaduk itu apabila setiap kali melihat orang lain, dihati akan berkata: "Orang itu lebih baik dari aku."-Imam Hassan Al-Basri Rahimahullah
Lepas jamah parallel-twin dgn 90d-vtwin, nak try 52d-twin with shaft driven pulak.. honda deauville
Walking from one bus stop to another while trying to finish the dessert #Genius
@ShaykhAzhar When you constantly ask someone why they are not married yet, that can be a form of emotional abuse.Either mind your own business or offer to help.Stop asking that question.
@aimaanbanna 10 Mar 2017 Biar pekerjaan tidak hebat, yang penting jaga solat.Buat apa kerja kat dunia hebat tapi perkerjaan sebagai hamba Tuhan gagal kan?
The mechanic said 'lepas da scrap motor ni, bwk hayabusa la bro. 1300" Hmmm I'm not in the mood for in-line 4 yet. hehe. panigale 1299?
Lebih baik ade 2 motor Atau 2 guitar electric Atau 2 computer Atau 2 jam rolex Atau 2 canon dslr .. daripada ade 2 gf/bini
@ataullah00 Feb 17 Seorang lelaki bertanya seorang Shaykh di Whatsapp,“Rumah saya telah didatangi semut dan lipas yang banyak. Adakah ini petanda sihir? Apakah rukyah yang sepatutnya saya baca?”Sh: Tidak, itu adalah petanda bahawa rumah kamu itu kotor. Tinggalkan Whatsapp, dan mulalah menyapu.
@hafizahhabshee 1.Minum air kosong 2 liter sehari..no air sejuk.. 2.makan la apa je awak nak mkn..TAPI kuantiti tu sikit ye.. 3. Selepas pukul 7pm NO FOOD ALLOWED ahahaha pastu exercise laaaa..hehehe 30 minit pon cukup.. kena kuat iman dgn mental la..hehe 💕
@ShadowWalkers88 Feb 25 Diamnya orang yang bertanggungjawab itu lebih buruk daripada bisingnya orang jahat.
Even though your voice is like mak-mak walking a bit tempang muke jerawat batu .. if i want to be by your side, i'll be by your side ❤️
Thursday, June 07, 2018
tweets 1 sept- 31 dec
The best way to be thankful is to look at people who are shitter than you in life
@ShadiqJamaludin 31 Aug 2017 When I share my problems with you, its okay if you can't help me with anything, I'm just thankful enough that you'd listen to me.
Life is fair only if your crush starts texting you first
A: gi mane bro
B: solat
A: solat kat mane
B: nursing room
A: sempit eh tempat die
B: sempit lagi kubur kalau tinggalkan solat
When it comes to buying stuff, I usually go for the 'not flawless, but does the job well' kind of product Does this make me a minimalist?
A mat and a mina are eating icecream
Mat: b.. in my heart, u are the third person i sayang the most
Mina: eh ape sial? Who number 1 and 2
Mat: adelah
Mina: u got scandal ah ni
Mat: okay i tell u. Number 1 is ben and number 2 is jerry
Mina: hahah you very funny ah
"First we eat, then we do everything else" Hmm tapi aku tengok mcm "eat is everything you do"
Every 2 yrs i hardly spend $100 on a new phone. Pakai voucher starhub kdg2 bayar $50 aje for a new android mid-spec phone. Like htc
Instagram is something what you call a beautiful lieIt always about showing the sweet side of life. So much is hidden from view. Sorry to say this
@DrAmalinaBakri Don't compare your life to others. There's no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it's their time.
@LokmanHakim91 15 Sep 2017 Orang yang sebenarnya kaya adalah mereka yang bebas hutang..
You dun have to go broke to impress others A gd example is majlis sanding Buat mcm 'wedding of the yr' Tapi bila nk reno rumah struggle
@sufiyanblodvein 20 Sep 2017 When I found someone, I'll do my best to accept her weaknesses and flawsBut sadly I haven't found someone who would do the same for me
Aku nak salam member aku ni kat keje.. tapi die kuat korek hidung ah. Mcm mane eh? Takkan taknak salam. Nanti takut di'lable' sombong
Action speak louder than words But 'macam-paham' captions always get more likes on instagram
"Eh yan, ape khabar. Da kawin ke belum? Ouh kenape belum lagi? Nak enjoy dulu eh" Tak, prompan yng aku da try semua ckp diorg nak enjoy dulu Every time i feel like I'm one step closer, they take a step back
@dxnllsif you type 'tomorrow' as 'tml'..... whats wrong w you? where did the 'L' come from? from the loser in you??
@EhAjikk 28 Sep 2017 Redha starts when you don't question why anymore.
When a relationship ends You had to delete all those selfie photos with your ex on social media Well some people even create new accounts
But when a vehicle ownership ends, you still get to keep the photos and turn it into a memorial collection
Moral of the story: cars and motorbikes always make better exes
Have you ever waited so long for something that you start to question whether it's fictitious
Kahwin kan bende halal. Membina mahligai rumahtangga. Dapat zuriat, buat mak bapak gembira sebab dapat cucu. Nothing miang about that
@raisbiramosa11 Oct 2017God is fair. Everything we receive is proportionate and equal. It is we who can't understand.
Give this guy a truckload of malboros and a garage of ducatis and 2-strokers, he'll forget about his martyr shit
@smrtsg6 Nov 2017 We are only posting Snapchat stories and Instagram Live for that one specific person to see.
Jaga anak org mmg suatu tanggungjawab besar Bila bini nga depression rasa mcm nak bunuh diri, suami standby kene sembelih dgn mertua
@Jonnyyy___ 13 Nov 2017 My dad died last year when my family couldn't remember his blood type in time for the paramedics to give him a blood transfusion.As he was dying he kept insisting "be positive", but it's hard without him.
Kite takleh judge org Dalam passport ade visa umrah tapi Passport holder ade card sentosa casino, kertas toto 4D Kite takleh judge org.
Aku tengok ig post skrg makin dramatic eh Gambar biasa2 tapi captions die.. .. macam boleh jadi bestselling-author
"Single lagi best. Boleh date sape2" Hmm yng second part tu susah bagi aku Date yng aku mampu dapat is date kurma aje
Prompan kalau betul2 cinta kat laki tu, die akan tunggu sampai bila2 Even though laki tu type yng masih nk enjoy, type yng tak reti saving
@akxmvra27 Nov 2017 Your stomach is your life time partner, you have to please it 24/7.Your anus is like your bestfriend, you have to clean whatever shit or trouble he/she made.
Tiba2 rasa mcm nak bwk sportsbike pulak.. r15 pun jadi.. carousell ade version 1 boleh dpt 3.5k++ Supersport S harge sgd 47k
Like aaron aziz jannah nick I gonna throw in random english names for my future child Maybe zaki jonas or hadirah hillary They be famous
Seriously you ig people Aku tengok photo die just a normal, everyday things we see Tapi captions nye.. masyaAllah #justSaying Captions nye nak step mane punye 'deep' and life-changing experience No offense just my opinion But then again nobody ask for my opinion
Mr zul quote of the day: Own self try until own self give up
A safety feature that must be included on all motorcycles regardless of any cc: side stand indicator We all had that experience..
There's a saying 'semua manusia akan menghadapi masalah. Selepas selesai satu, akan timbul lagi satu'
@mdzahidzin24 Dec 2017Qn: saya nak kahwin tapi bpk kata saya muda lagi mcm mana Ustaz?Ans: esok cuba mintak bpk dukung depan org ramai, bila bpk ckp “dah tua ganyut!” Terus tanya, “so dah boleh kahwin?”
Staycation pat marine paradd area pun okay eh.. ade ecp, parkway parade, katong mall
Quote of the day: Evil eye (on social media)
I met a hot chick wearing a bundesliga jersey I said "hello" She said "sorry i'm a les-Bayern." #JokeOfTheDay
@ShadiqJamaludin 31 Aug 2017 When I share my problems with you, its okay if you can't help me with anything, I'm just thankful enough that you'd listen to me.
Life is fair only if your crush starts texting you first
A: gi mane bro
B: solat
A: solat kat mane
B: nursing room
A: sempit eh tempat die
B: sempit lagi kubur kalau tinggalkan solat
When it comes to buying stuff, I usually go for the 'not flawless, but does the job well' kind of product Does this make me a minimalist?
A mat and a mina are eating icecream
Mat: b.. in my heart, u are the third person i sayang the most
Mina: eh ape sial? Who number 1 and 2
Mat: adelah
Mina: u got scandal ah ni
Mat: okay i tell u. Number 1 is ben and number 2 is jerry
Mina: hahah you very funny ah
"First we eat, then we do everything else" Hmm tapi aku tengok mcm "eat is everything you do"
Every 2 yrs i hardly spend $100 on a new phone. Pakai voucher starhub kdg2 bayar $50 aje for a new android mid-spec phone. Like htc
Instagram is something what you call a beautiful lieIt always about showing the sweet side of life. So much is hidden from view. Sorry to say this
@DrAmalinaBakri Don't compare your life to others. There's no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it's their time.
@LokmanHakim91 15 Sep 2017 Orang yang sebenarnya kaya adalah mereka yang bebas hutang..
You dun have to go broke to impress others A gd example is majlis sanding Buat mcm 'wedding of the yr' Tapi bila nk reno rumah struggle
@sufiyanblodvein 20 Sep 2017 When I found someone, I'll do my best to accept her weaknesses and flawsBut sadly I haven't found someone who would do the same for me
Aku nak salam member aku ni kat keje.. tapi die kuat korek hidung ah. Mcm mane eh? Takkan taknak salam. Nanti takut di'lable' sombong
Action speak louder than words But 'macam-paham' captions always get more likes on instagram
"Eh yan, ape khabar. Da kawin ke belum? Ouh kenape belum lagi? Nak enjoy dulu eh" Tak, prompan yng aku da try semua ckp diorg nak enjoy dulu Every time i feel like I'm one step closer, they take a step back
@dxnllsif you type 'tomorrow' as 'tml'..... whats wrong w you? where did the 'L' come from? from the loser in you??
God usually gives you what you need, not what you want
For example, I haven't had a gf in ages
But at least now both my parents are enjoying an early retirement
Seriously speaking there's lot of people out there older than my parents
Who r breaking their back to earn income and still support family
@EhAjikk 28 Sep 2017 Redha starts when you don't question why anymore.
When a relationship ends You had to delete all those selfie photos with your ex on social media Well some people even create new accounts
But when a vehicle ownership ends, you still get to keep the photos and turn it into a memorial collection
Moral of the story: cars and motorbikes always make better exes
Have you ever waited so long for something that you start to question whether it's fictitious
Kahwin kan bende halal. Membina mahligai rumahtangga. Dapat zuriat, buat mak bapak gembira sebab dapat cucu. Nothing miang about that
@raisbiramosa11 Oct 2017God is fair. Everything we receive is proportionate and equal. It is we who can't understand.
Give this guy a truckload of malboros and a garage of ducatis and 2-strokers, he'll forget about his martyr shit
@smrtsg6 Nov 2017 We are only posting Snapchat stories and Instagram Live for that one specific person to see.
Jaga anak org mmg suatu tanggungjawab besar Bila bini nga depression rasa mcm nak bunuh diri, suami standby kene sembelih dgn mertua
@Jonnyyy___ 13 Nov 2017 My dad died last year when my family couldn't remember his blood type in time for the paramedics to give him a blood transfusion.As he was dying he kept insisting "be positive", but it's hard without him.
Kite takleh judge org Dalam passport ade visa umrah tapi Passport holder ade card sentosa casino, kertas toto 4D Kite takleh judge org.
Aku tengok ig post skrg makin dramatic eh Gambar biasa2 tapi captions die.. .. macam boleh jadi bestselling-author
"Single lagi best. Boleh date sape2" Hmm yng second part tu susah bagi aku Date yng aku mampu dapat is date kurma aje
Prompan kalau betul2 cinta kat laki tu, die akan tunggu sampai bila2 Even though laki tu type yng masih nk enjoy, type yng tak reti saving
@akxmvra27 Nov 2017 Your stomach is your life time partner, you have to please it 24/7.Your anus is like your bestfriend, you have to clean whatever shit or trouble he/she made.
Tiba2 rasa mcm nak bwk sportsbike pulak.. r15 pun jadi.. carousell ade version 1 boleh dpt 3.5k++ Supersport S harge sgd 47k
Like aaron aziz jannah nick I gonna throw in random english names for my future child Maybe zaki jonas or hadirah hillary They be famous
Seriously you ig people Aku tengok photo die just a normal, everyday things we see Tapi captions nye.. masyaAllah #justSaying Captions nye nak step mane punye 'deep' and life-changing experience No offense just my opinion But then again nobody ask for my opinion
Mr zul quote of the day: Own self try until own self give up
A safety feature that must be included on all motorcycles regardless of any cc: side stand indicator We all had that experience..
There's a saying 'semua manusia akan menghadapi masalah. Selepas selesai satu, akan timbul lagi satu'
@mdzahidzin24 Dec 2017Qn: saya nak kahwin tapi bpk kata saya muda lagi mcm mana Ustaz?Ans: esok cuba mintak bpk dukung depan org ramai, bila bpk ckp “dah tua ganyut!” Terus tanya, “so dah boleh kahwin?”
Staycation pat marine paradd area pun okay eh.. ade ecp, parkway parade, katong mall
Quote of the day: Evil eye (on social media)
I met a hot chick wearing a bundesliga jersey I said "hello" She said "sorry i'm a les-Bayern." #JokeOfTheDay
Monday, April 30, 2018
#bikesShowdown #24 ducati 848 vs superduke 990
24. Ducati 848 evo 2013 VS KTM superduke r 990 2013
class: 2
engine capacity (cc): 849 999
engine: V2 90 degree, four-stroke Marelli electronic fuel injection
V2 75 degree four-stroke contactless, controlled, fully electronic ignition system with digital ignition timing adjustment
Bore and Stroke (mm): 94.0 x 61.2
101.0 x 62.4
Compression Ratio: 13.2:1 11.5:1
Transmission: 6-speed, chain
max power: 138.13 HP (100.8 kW) @ 10500 RPM
123.37 HP (90.1 kW) 9000 rpm
max torque: 98.00 Nm @ 9750 RPM
100.00 Nm @ 7000 RPM
front tire: 120/70-ZR17
Rear Tire: 180/55 ZR17
Length / Width / Wheelbase (mm): 2100 / 758 / 1430
???? / ??? / 1450
Seat Height (mm): 830 850
dry weight (kg): 194 196
Fuel Capacity (litres): 15.5 18.5
Oil capacity: 3.7 3
kilometers per litre: 16.5 13.5
Full tank range (km): 256 250
power-to-weight (hp/kg): 0.3161 0.2796
Approx machine price (SGD): 19,000(??) 14,000(??)
class: 2
engine capacity (cc): 849 999
engine: V2 90 degree, four-stroke Marelli electronic fuel injection
V2 75 degree four-stroke contactless, controlled, fully electronic ignition system with digital ignition timing adjustment
Bore and Stroke (mm): 94.0 x 61.2
101.0 x 62.4
Compression Ratio: 13.2:1 11.5:1
Transmission: 6-speed, chain
max power: 138.13 HP (100.8 kW) @ 10500 RPM
123.37 HP (90.1 kW) 9000 rpm
max torque: 98.00 Nm @ 9750 RPM
100.00 Nm @ 7000 RPM
front tire: 120/70-ZR17
Rear Tire: 180/55 ZR17
Length / Width / Wheelbase (mm): 2100 / 758 / 1430
???? / ??? / 1450
Seat Height (mm): 830 850
dry weight (kg): 194 196
Fuel Capacity (litres): 15.5 18.5
Oil capacity: 3.7 3
kilometers per litre: 16.5 13.5
Full tank range (km): 256 250
power-to-weight (hp/kg): 0.3161 0.2796
Approx machine price (SGD): 19,000(??) 14,000(??)
Monday, February 26, 2018
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