Thursday, June 07, 2018

tweets 1 sept- 31 dec

The best way to be thankful is to look at people who are shitter than you in life

@ShadiqJamaludin 31 Aug 2017 When I share my problems with you, its okay if you can't help me with anything, I'm just thankful enough that you'd listen to me.

Life is fair only if your crush starts texting you first

A: gi mane bro 
B: solat 
A: solat kat mane 
B: nursing room 
A: sempit eh tempat die 
B: sempit lagi kubur kalau tinggalkan solat 

When it comes to buying stuff, I usually go for the 'not flawless, but does the job well' kind of product Does this make me a minimalist?

A mat and a mina are eating icecream 
Mat: b.. in my heart, u are the third person i sayang the most 
Mina: eh ape sial? Who number 1 and 2 
Mat: adelah 
Mina: u got scandal ah ni
 Mat: okay i tell u. Number 1 is ben and number 2 is jerry 
Mina: hahah you very funny ah 

"First we eat, then we do everything else" Hmm tapi aku tengok mcm "eat is everything you do"

Every 2 yrs i hardly spend $100 on a new phone. Pakai voucher starhub kdg2 bayar $50 aje for a new android mid-spec phone. Like htc

 Instagram is something what you call a beautiful lieIt always about showing the sweet side of life. So much is hidden from view. Sorry to say this

@DrAmalinaBakri Don't compare your life to others. There's no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it's their time.

@LokmanHakim91 15 Sep 2017 Orang yang sebenarnya kaya adalah mereka yang bebas hutang..

 You dun have to go broke to impress others A gd example is majlis sanding Buat mcm 'wedding of the yr' Tapi bila nk reno rumah struggle

 @sufiyanblodvein 20 Sep 2017 When I found someone, I'll do my best to accept her weaknesses and flawsBut sadly I haven't found someone who would do the same for me

Aku nak salam member aku ni kat keje.. tapi die kuat korek hidung ah. Mcm mane eh? Takkan taknak salam. Nanti takut di'lable' sombong

Action speak louder than words But 'macam-paham' captions always get more likes on instagram

 "Eh yan, ape khabar. Da kawin ke belum? Ouh kenape belum lagi? Nak enjoy dulu eh" Tak, prompan yng aku da try semua ckp diorg nak enjoy dulu Every time i feel like I'm one step closer, they take a step back

 @dxnllsif you type 'tomorrow' as 'tml'..... whats wrong w you? where did the 'L' come from? from the loser in you??

God usually gives you what you need, not what you want

 @EhAjikk 28 Sep 2017 Redha starts when you don't question why anymore.

When a relationship ends You had to delete all those selfie photos with your ex on social media Well some people even create new accounts 
But when a vehicle ownership ends, you still get to keep the photos and turn it into a memorial collection
Moral of the story: cars and motorbikes always make better exes

 Have you ever waited so long for something that you start to question whether it's fictitious

Kahwin kan bende halal. Membina mahligai rumahtangga. Dapat zuriat, buat mak bapak gembira sebab dapat cucu. Nothing miang about that

 @raisbiramosa11 Oct 2017God is fair. Everything we receive is proportionate and equal. It is we who can't understand.

 Give this guy a truckload of malboros and a garage of ducatis and 2-strokers, he'll forget about his martyr shit

  @smrtsg6 Nov 2017 We are only posting Snapchat stories and Instagram Live for that one specific person to see.

Jaga anak org mmg suatu tanggungjawab besar Bila bini nga depression rasa mcm nak bunuh diri, suami standby kene sembelih dgn mertua

@Jonnyyy___ 13 Nov 2017 My dad died last year when my family couldn't remember his blood type in time for the paramedics to give him a blood transfusion.As he was dying he kept insisting "be positive", but it's hard without him.

Kite takleh judge org Dalam passport ade visa umrah tapi Passport holder ade card sentosa casino, kertas toto 4D Kite takleh judge org.

Aku tengok ig post skrg makin dramatic eh Gambar biasa2 tapi captions die.. .. macam boleh jadi bestselling-author

"Single lagi best. Boleh date sape2" Hmm yng second part tu susah bagi aku Date yng aku mampu dapat is date kurma aje

Prompan kalau betul2 cinta kat laki tu, die akan tunggu sampai bila2 Even though laki tu type yng masih nk enjoy, type yng tak reti saving

@akxmvra27 Nov 2017 Your stomach is your life time partner, you have to please it 24/7.Your anus is like your bestfriend, you have to clean whatever shit or trouble he/she made.

Tiba2 rasa mcm nak bwk sportsbike pulak.. r15 pun jadi.. carousell ade version 1 boleh dpt 3.5k++ Supersport S harge sgd 47k

Like aaron aziz jannah nick I gonna throw in random english names for my future child Maybe zaki jonas or hadirah hillary They be famous

Seriously you ig people Aku tengok photo die just a normal, everyday things we see Tapi captions nye.. masyaAllah #justSaying Captions nye nak step mane punye 'deep' and life-changing experience No offense just my opinion But then again nobody ask for my opinion

Mr zul quote of the day: Own self try until own self give up

A safety feature that must be included on all motorcycles regardless of any cc: side stand indicator We all had that experience..

There's a saying 'semua manusia akan menghadapi masalah. Selepas selesai satu, akan timbul lagi satu'

@mdzahidzin24 Dec 2017Qn: saya nak kahwin tapi bpk kata saya muda lagi mcm mana Ustaz?Ans: esok cuba mintak bpk dukung depan org ramai, bila bpk ckp “dah tua ganyut!” Terus tanya, “so dah boleh kahwin?”

 Staycation pat marine paradd area pun okay eh.. ade ecp, parkway parade, katong mall

 Quote of the day: Evil eye (on social media)

 I met a hot chick wearing a bundesliga jersey I said "hello" She said "sorry i'm a les-Bayern." #JokeOfTheDay

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