The main riff actually came from a punk-rock-flash-game engine. I played it back when I never had a pc of my own.
My first main idea of the song is to sound like In Flames' Clayman. My favourite song from the swedish metal group. (Actually second most favourite. 1st has got be Leeches!!! and 3rd is The Jester's Dance [Instrumental]).
Why? Because it has the thrill of a roller coaster ride. The swift heartbeating of the double kick drums. The ever melodic guitar harmonies which gives me a sense of freedom and blissfulness. The powerful shrieking of Anders Friden.

If I have dreadlocks like him, I'll look like Munky of Korn while I headbang on the guitars!
Sadly, we're not playing that song on Assault's first performance.
Tapestry 07 Playlist:
1) In Flames - Only For The Weak
2) Arch Enemy - Nemesis
3) In Flames - Come Clarity
4) Arch Enemy - Burning Angel
5) In Flames - Artifacts Of The Black Rain
6) Sentenced - Cross My Heart & Hope To Die
Total Mins: 24:45
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