Anyway, hope you guys are smart enough to comment me.
Waking Up The Dead - The Review

I think I should call it "Painning up the neck", my neck still hurts after excessive headbanging! Me, Clarence and his metallic friends head down to the Artshouse for some strictly extreme metal.
Yes, no glam metal in glitter or emo crap. Blast beats, corpsepaints, a metalhearts' brutally honest lyrics and homegrown deathsters! Hail our Asian-skin hordes!
Meth (Deathcore, Grindcore)

The opening band. And opening bands always become the ones to set the initial standard. The measuring stick. What matters a lot. Drummer wears mask..? Nah, who cares.
Extreme mallcore is you ask me, heavy funk injected and death driven vocals. Still, it's grindcore! Surprisingly very tight. The best moshing piece you'll get for the day.
And thank God they're much better than the average local hardcore bands, because the powerchords are audible. And their mighty female vocalist looks like Maria Ozawa. Arrhh.. Me getting hor-ne.
Headbanger's meter: Very high

Metal Gunz (Thrash metal, Retro-thrash, Heavy metal)
It's not glam metal! It's Megadeth! Testament! Cheers. With "death metal" tagged on them (is this just so to get into the strictly extreme metal gig? haha). I would vomit my liver out if they were to play Sweet Child 'O Mine. Fortunately, no "Gunz" 'N Roses for the night.
Very blues driven, 80's sounding, with added brutality. The band appearance reminds me of Firebrand (fat indian viking on vocals, get it?). No moshers sighted, nevertheless, horns-up! This is the closest you can get to quality vintage hard rock/metal. Sweet.
Headbanger's Meter: High
Truth Be Known (Death metal)

TBK. Also known as "Tiger Beer Kings" jokingly. Support Singapore beer! Haha.
Awesome throaty vocals, quite reminds me of At the Gates or some Black Dahlia Murder. Best stand-up comedy goes to their vocalist. Hawaiian-meets-Hindi-ago-go dance on the stage. Later doing Tai Chi on the mosh pit(?!).
And they covered Sex Pistol's God Save the Queen (renamed God Save the Lee. Which Lee?)! I liked that song during my high school punk posuer days. Neat. Very good crowd pleaser, TBK it is.
Headbanger's Meter: Very High and very funny!
Meza Virs (Extreme Gothic Metal, Symphonic Black Metal)
One of Clarence's favourites. I joined him with his metal friends at the extreme front line for serious mass unison headbanging! This is where my neck starts to ache. Haha.
If you like Cradle of Filth, you must support this heartland band! A uniquely 7-piece Singaporean beauty-and-the-beast melodic black metal band. I think one of them wears corpsepaint. They cover The Cure's Lovesong if I'm not wrong. Whereas 311 covered in a reggae style, Meza Virs f*cking nailed it with their own dynamic creativity.
Lots of headbang and mosh moments, second best crowd exciter for the night.
Headbanger's Meter: Very High, near to Extreme!
Bhelliom (Melodic Death, Stoner Rock)
Very disappointing, if you ask me. I expected lots from them. And more importantly the crowd! I thought it would be like the Terminal Spirit Disease music video. Nah, I should stop dreaming. Blame the crowd.
Weak response from the pit. Nobody worshipped At The Gates? C'mon guys, this guys proved to have kicked the arse out of American gothenburg metal bands. This is not metalcore, it's f*cking melodic death!
It is as if Bhelliom owed money from the crowd. Treated like a black sheep. Blame the crowd, blame the crowd. Or the crowd really run out stamina after Meza Virs. Or did the guitar tone failed to have the wow factor?
I could have moshed at Illucination or All The King's Pawn. I like those songs to the core. Hey, is Kitaro on the bass?
Bhelliom, see you on the next gig. In Singapore of course. Don't get me wrong, I love you guys!
Headbanger's Meter: Adequate to High
Anthelion (Melodic Black Metal, Symphonic Black Metal)
The main event. In terms of WWF, like The Undertaker VS The Rock. Or like Stone Cold VS Triple H. Or something like that. And it's f*cking brutaaal! To the max!
17 bucks? I think this band is worth 71 bucks!
Larger than life, more larger than death theatrics. Water spitting by the vocalist. Again with the chains (ah, symphonic black metal band ingredient?). He's scary... The whole band is! Shock value at its highest. Very, very solid display of metal! And so is the music. Fine mix of doom, death, ice-cold gothic and superior quality black metal.
Lots of metal war chants, and the fierce bald bassist won hearts with sweet veteran headbanging! Seriously, he reminds me of some botak taxi driver which I remembered like ten years ago. Hmm, eh out of topic. Haha. Awesome bass player with huge stage presence, next to the vocalist.
Extreme unison headbanging and horns-up experience!!
Headbanger's Meter: Extreme!
Don't call me metalhead. I'm an extreme metal enthusiast.
Haha ya man!!!!Awesome gig!!!!\m/Hope we can have a chance to play there as well...
Yeah...Nice greeting from Indonesia...donate for us by three clicks on ;)
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