- Recently when to Jurong Bird Park with family. Great time. Skipped work.
- Crush on this girl. Same age. But she's too good for me.
- My youtube video hits 1,000 views, favorited twice.
- Trying hard to improve on guitars. Gain some respect for myself because I couldn't play as good as I could compose or appreciate music.
- Ensisventine disbanded. It's about time. I wouldn't blame me because I'm the true driving force all the while.
- Listen to good music: As I Lay Dying (Metalcore/Neo-thrash), At the Gates (Melodic Death Metal), 90's Green Day (Pop-punk) and new Amorphis (Modern progressive metal). And yes, Sentenced.
- Been dancing to music, like the singer from Truth Be Known. Haha.
- Annoyed by today's alternative music scene. Especially indie. And emo. Turn on to MTV and you'll see ugly bunch of ang moh guys playing weird music, with their British accent. And American kids with wanna-be goth make up. Hip hop and pop? Even worse. I'm tired of dumb music blasphemy too.

At the heart of winter (original)! Hoot!!

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