Anyway, I'm just talking crap. Haha!
Ah. Had a great weekend. Well, not really great but they were great moments.
The second gig I went to this year. Had to catch Firebrands and Meza Virs! Tagged along cool friends too. Jaani's little sisters whom thankfully are metalheads, Raden the awesome but funny guitarist from Dark Ulver, and of course extreme metal amigos Clarence and his friends (we meet again! REBORN!! hahaha)! Yeah man.
The highlights!

Tambi-K-Siao and their very entertaining antics, very local, very wacky. Not forgeting their parody black metal song and ah beng stories. The next greatest thing! To be seen to be believed.
Firebrands though started with a weak crowd, there was the wall of death!! Two actually for the day, another with Meza Virs! Me and Raden joined the royal rumble.
My first mosh I had since I could ever remember! A very slippery one due to the papers and party litters on the floor. Raden slipped and fell because of that. Firebrands, please limit your props. Haha. Great music though.

Meza Virs did a whole lot better than at Waking Up The Dead! Else, flawless. Their new song is also powerrr. They didn't screw it at all! Extreme headbanging experience!
Moshing is fun no doubt. Quite addictive.
Sufiyan's guide to moshing for light-heavywighters and rookies(...?!):
1. Be physically fit! Remember the dodgeball lessons you're taught in high school.
2. Estimate the brutalness of the incoming moshpit on scale 1 (lowest. the moshpit you see in the children's show Hi-5) to 10 (highest. brock lesnar, undertaker, kane, dudley boyz, bruce lee, tony jaa etc. is in the pit!). DXO will be around scale 3 to 5.
3. Elbows down. Unless you're trying a kung fu hardcore dance which is anti-social and not recommended.
4. Caution with tall people. Their shoulders would easily get to your face.
5. Jump around. Use your bodyweight.
6. Feel the music too.
7. Don't be too serious. Have fun.
8. Jump back into the pit, even though you flew out 10 feet. The lighter you are, the harder it is to remain in the 'eye of the storm'.
9. A slippery moshpit is quite a bad idea.
10. Know when to stop.
The lowlights
Guns N' Roses wanna-be band Cigarette Sex. Glam revival? I prefer Black Sabbath or old school death/black/thrash metal revival. I hate rockstar attitude.

And if you're the next Gn'r wanna-be clone: be very, very skinny! Have no buttocks at all! Skinny pants! Be Axl! Be Slash! Be american!
Nah, I'm tired of blasphemy. Really.
Sons of northern beach road
After the gig me, Raden, Syazana and her sister headed to beach road. I wanted to buy camo pants. They generously accompanied me, so I treated them lor. Anyway my pockets were kinda heavy after my 22nd pay. Heheh.
Not forgetting to treat and take away some for my family. A nice Saturday indeed. A day so awesome that it inspires to compose the forth song for assault! It's near completion.
Signing out.
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