Wednesday, September 18, 2013

'doggy style'

a guy and a girl, both virgins, are alone together having a picnic at a park.

girl: dear, guess what i'm thinking about doing with you right now.

guy: what.

girl: have you ever tried doggy style?

guy: what!! you mean now? err..

girl: yes. hehe.

guy: my dear, this is a public place. i mean.. ah, what the hell. let's do it.

..and so the girl takes out a tennis ball and waves it at the guy's face,

girl: WHO'S A GOOD BOY? WHO'S A GOOD BOY?? (throws the ball onto the grass patch) GO BOY, GO FETCH THE BALL!!

guy: what the. hahaha okay! WOOF!! WOOF!!!

they both remain virgins till the day they got married 3 years later and lived happily ever after. the end :)

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