Sunday, September 29, 2013

tweets 4-28 sept!!

tak paham aku prompan yng tindik telinge byk2 sampai da tak nampak telinge. nanti suami nak gigit camne.. hmm k takpe tukar topic

my best fren on fb is my dad. he always post on my wall and photo tags. ..and my mum too, because she using dad's fb account on her tab :)

RT @Faris_BlackStar "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."

girl: ever kissed a girl?
gay friend: no. why?
(kisses him on the lips)
girl: so, how was it?
gay friend: tastes like your boyfriend's ****.

RT @TinyMarkTwain There's always one person you want to talk to when you are lonely, because that person is the reason you are lonely.

the person who you always want to talk to when you feel lonely, could be the reason why you feel lonely. #JustSaying #makesMeWonder

falling in love with a girl's eyes is a smart choice, you are more likely to still be in love with her after she had gained 40 pounds.

minah: i tengok gambar kucing you.. eeeiiii cute giler la!! macam you
mat: k, besok i belanje you manhattan fish market
#howToGetFreeFood #tipsForGirls hahah

taking a shower and you wonder why the liquid soap smells different today; moments later you found out that it's shampoo all over your body

"yan sekarang mane nak turun gym lagi.. da ngah bercinte.." wat the? ape je.. so long since i date or anything.. my latest target setakat text aje. my fren buat klakar

dear TypeTen driver,

'banyak siket boleh?' translaton in english is 'a bit more can?'


'many little can?'


RT @ustazdondani "Jangan ego dengan kehebatan dan kekuasaan, jangan sombong dengan ketinggian ilmu dan amalan, jangan takabbur dengan kemuliaan."

step 1: think positive

step 2: sabar

step 3: ingat Tuhan

takmo ikutkan ego. mengamuk maki2 orang. tak dapat ape2.. dapat dosa ade ah

RT @LoriShemek  Potassium speeds muscle's ability to burn fat by 22% for 4 hours straight. Few top sources:  Yogurt, tomatoes, raisins.

RT @KasyfiAlif "Kalau nak menasihat, jangan sampai memalukan seseorang. Kena perlahan-lahan kalau nak mengubah seseorang itu. Jangan suka mendesak."

RT @rahbiiii "Nama jodoh kita telah tercatat di sisiNya 50,000 tahun sebelum langit dan bumi diciptakan. HR. Muslim\Tirmidzi."

share your parents' wisdom with your friends

and one day in times of trouble

if we were to forget.... your friends will remind you of your parents' wisdom. thank you my bestie, @AinLatina

RT @iTweetFacts "Smiling lifts the muscles in the face.

Smiling makes skin appear 7 years younger than it actually is."

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