Some days are bright, some days are rainy Some days you spend 7 dollars on a cup of drink with ease Some days you spend 7 dollars to feed your whole family; not by choice
Obese nerdism is closely associated with artificialism
Asian drivers are very bad at diversion driving. At a cross junction from a left filter lane they would cut 3 lanes to suddenly decide and execute a right turn.
5 figure monthly salary and every month go holiday?? Nice one haha..
In some countries they are struggling to stay alive. Me I'm struggling to fit inside pants size 33. First world problems me really is
What if yama produce a sportsbike with the mt09 engine
$114 for prism video editing premium bundle
I can take all kinds of jokes. You can joke about my appearance, my work, race related shit or lgbt whatsoever But if you joke about me being unable to support my family due to paralysis or fatality 👊 Ramai orang tau aku penyabar. Tapi kenape bodoh sangat kau ni. Jgn pijak la
So it's been proven and tested An acceptably patient person will take approximately 5-6 months before he can no longer tolerate his coworkers' shit
@IBNRAYGUNZ Jul 28 RAY GUNZ Retweeted P.H. Bennet Blade just gonna come through and recite ayatul kursi over the vampires and the film will be over.
Aku punye cara usually try to baik sangka and try not to judge based on first impression Especially kalau jumpe penjual kedai atau staff baru yang 'nampak sombong' A lot of us malays will always jump to conclusions and say 'kerek ah die ni, carik kedai lain ah' Or 'kerek ah die ni, tak tegur aku pun. Patut die tegur aku dulu'
How to transfer photos from phone to pc without Bluetooth or USB cables: 1. Log in twitter on your pc 2. Send photo to an inactive user on twitter via direct message 3. Go to twitter direct messages on your pc 4. You can now download the photo
Yes we're adults but now I know, bebual kotor ni tak bagus. Even with close friends Because what are the chances your friends tell other colleagues what you said? From a third person perspective he/she may view your joke differently. Ape lagi kau he/she is actually your enemy
Some days we're the outcast. Some days we outcast a particular person hahah life is fair
Dah agaknye punye. Budak reservist baru 2nd cycle dah ade anak hahah Tapi paling annoying budak pes c 4th cycle bawak ducati
Minorities in sg: the government is racist! Chinese and indians in mys: hold my beer Rohinya and palestinian people: hold my dead child while i dig a grave sorry, too dark?
I wonder what's His plans for fraudsters like you
Arrogant foreigners? That's actually normal but in case you sgporeans are wondering: So imagine us visiting a country the size of potong pasir smc and their officers are bossing us around Trust me, our reaction will be 'eh sial my country bigger la, who do you think you are'
Typical ah lian mummies who wear fake eyelashes and shorts shorter than my sleeping boxers in the morning 😵
Org yng lama single and so called 'anti-couple' tapi bila dah jumpe someone die hype giler 😏
Imagine eh, diorg letak makanan2 untuk offerings Tibe2 hantu diorg muncul pastu cakap "ah thanks la. Tapi kasi makanan aje? Air takde?? Nanti aku tercekik pastu mati lagi macam mane? Kasi la asam boi ais satu ke" Hashtag just kidding just for laughs
Tapi kalau hantu mati lagi sekali mcm mane tuu
It's hard to make people realise how (insert adjective here) they are, when they have an inferior sense of third-person view or empathy 😑
Once at a cross junction, a car reversed from a left-turn filter lane and then cutting sharp across 3 lanes to enter the right-turn lane Make GPS Driving a compulsory module in driving school. I've seen too many reckless, last-minute maneuvers on the road You're welcome @LTAsg
Mt15 plate fbm warm up motor lama betul macam warm up superbike 🤔 Gitu macam motor aku yng mileage 6-digit ni kalau keje pagi, mlm sebelum tido engine dah on lah
Aku rase dlm context diorg, lebih bersepah kertas2, lebih soleh/khusuk 🤔
Janggut janggut jugak, dahi gelap dahi gelap jugak. Tapi gambar ig kucengsesat like jugak 😆
Tips untuk lebatkan janggut: minum susu kambing
"abg ni pakai celak, janggut lebat mesti selalu duduk kat masjid eh?" Oh tak, abg minat band system of a down.
My riding gloves and my airpods which I thought were lost found their way back to me 😍
Done watching 2 episodes of an old series which it's name is the same as papa roach's song
Nak mkn kat pantry, takde tempat solat. Nak mkn kat crew, takde water dispenser.
Each time I see Chin Han in movies or American TV series I feel proud as a sgporean Limits of a small-islander is actually endless. Especially if you work hard Not a very known fact that our english accent is more globally marketable than a prc, hongkonger or even japanese
Username: yan busa Profile picture: riding the hayabusa Instastory (99% of the time): anak tengah makan, anak main kat playground, anak malam taknak tido, snapchat dgn anak
Username: fir marquez Profile picture: riding cbr600rr Bio: honda rider, cbr600rr 2008, gopro hero 7 black, dainese Instastory (99% of the time): dinner date kampung glam cafe, boemerang sushi, boemerang prata, boemerang milo dinosaur, boemerang samurai burger, mkn mkn mkn
Sep 12, 2019
Scenario: Married +2 kids. Own 660K condo. Honda City.
Income: RM 12000
EPF: 1320
Tax: 630
Home 2800
Car 850
Education 820
Food 2300
Children 2400
Bills 420
Petrol 320
Parking 100
SAVINGS: RM 40 Frowning face
Where do you think this couple could optimize their finances more?
@desprate__ Sep 10 More Solat is a nikmat from Allah. Selagi boleh solat kita patut bersyukur. Ada orang tak pandai solat. Ada orang tak terdetik nak solat. Ada orang tak boleh solat oleh sebab tertentu. So please, always be thankful to Allah the Almighty. No reason no excuse.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Tweets 2 may - 30 jun
In malaysia, prompan yng tak tutup aurat kene kutuk caci.
In the western, prompan yng berhijab kene kutuk caci. And even assaulted by caucasians
My point here is that an 'ustaz' is sometimes no different than a white redneck
But on the other side of the coin, this is what we call 'tough love'
Yes his remarks are crude. But it's the same when our mums nag and scold us
Like "ah takyah balik rumah lah. Sampai besok pagi takyah balik"
I hope his main intention is to instill the prevention of maksiat
Drone flying might be my next hobby hmmm
Random flashback:
I watched a drama on suria which involves a character acting as a prostitute with dreadlocks 🤔
When you have whoring at 8 and reggae gig at 9
Her: mengidam kerang
Me: let's go check out other restaurants. Kerang bahasa english ape eh
2018 in a nutshell:
super cold weather in jan 22 degrees
bird feather is a romantic gift
Kim k creates an app
R.i.p. hawking
Lesbian h&m ad
Victoria secret crazy sale
New mys garmen
Jubah wakanda
the wc european winners' curse lives on
'Borat' ver2.0
The 'invisible' prank
E equals M seeeee
Mourinho sacked
Liverpool top of the table with 6pts apart from second spurs
First time driving toyota aqua hybrid. Not bad
Started with 9 bars on the fuel gauge, ended with 9 bars. Drove nearly 50km 😮 the magic of hybrids
May 9
Alexis left Arsenal to win trophies and United are the only team who aren't competing for any trophy right now.
May 9
Just spare a quick thought for the Valencia fan who travelled to England & embarrassed his club by performing a Nazi salute & making monkey noises. He was handed a lifetime ban & watched at home as his side lost again tonight, with the 7 goals all being scored by black players.
When you don't have a hobby and decided to collect wives
Why is tea without milk called tea-O but bandung without milk is called sirap
The worst thing about being second is that you're the last to know that you won't win
May 12
Congratulations to Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang who is joint Golden Boot winner with 22 goals. He is the first Arsenal player to win it since Robin van Persie in 2012.
To 'know' how to do something and to be qualified to do something are 2 different things
Eg. Anyone can 'know' how to be an officer
But a qualified officer is someone with integrity, is very much aware that by crossing a line, he may abuse his powers to his personal advantage
With the new snapchat gender swap filter i can now become my own model for my tudung business
Mira filzah? More like mira filter
No, just kidding
Whatever you observe ade pengajaran nyer
We shud feel fortunate that when we iftar we all dine like kings
Now think of the unfortunate ones
Everyone exists for a reason
Some are excellent examples of how chronic humans have evolved into
Bukan nak kecam. Time raya pakai mcm raja sehari
Tapi asyik2 nampak nga isap rokok kat carpark siang hari bulan puasa
Follow Follow @caesarrifa
Don't waste your 20's staying in one country, work hard, travel the world. Said privileged people.
Those I know who travel the world before 23, their parents work hard, not them.
Jun 7
Problems are like washing machines. They twist us, spin us, & knock us around, but in the end we always come out cleaner, brighter & better.
hashtag musfat
Director: Cut! You're fired
Me: Well you said I should improvise the conversation since there's no script
Director: This is faketaxi not tv alhijrah you dumbshit
Jun 7
Guys, I wanna share something. Amalkan baca Surah Yusuf Ayat 4 & Surah Taha Ayat 39 after solat sebanyak 3x. You akan rasa dikasihi oleh org org sekeliling you and it makes your face glow as well. InsyaAllah, I have been practising it for 3 months -
Singkapo has around 6000 people living in 1 square kilometre 😮
Single people be like '..and I'm still alone'
But if we compare with cities vs countries, mumbai has 31,000 😵
To put this into perspective, if you share your room with one of your siblings.. In Mumbai you'll be sharing your room with an additional 3 siblings
30 years old right now and I hope I can finish paying for it 23 years later
Will always prefer to drive myself instead of taking the taxi
Speaking of those grumpy driver uncles that kept clicking tougue or sighing throughout the journey
Age identity crisis exists
Rezeki masing2. Aku 3rd posting baru dpt rasa jadi field, assistant TL, topsis, ops room atau pakai cass. 2nd posting baru dpt rasa access card
Yng kat land checkpt masih full-time stamper/special morning, I'm with you
No wonder islam tak suruh pakai candle
1. Ambil selfie bersama kekasih/spouse anda
2. Edit muka kekasih anda, conteng etc. sampai kelihatan macam perompak
3. Bila kekasih lihat gambar dalam keadaan marah dan tanya "HOI APA NI. PEROMPAK MANA NI"
4. Jawab "perompak hati saya"
#Syawal has got to be the hardest month to lose weight
All the high sugar intake from kuih kuih raya, f&n fanta orange, soft drinks and so on
Plus the amount of cholesterol from rendang and all you name it
In the western, prompan yng berhijab kene kutuk caci. And even assaulted by caucasians
My point here is that an 'ustaz' is sometimes no different than a white redneck
But on the other side of the coin, this is what we call 'tough love'
Yes his remarks are crude. But it's the same when our mums nag and scold us
Like "ah takyah balik rumah lah. Sampai besok pagi takyah balik"
I hope his main intention is to instill the prevention of maksiat
Drone flying might be my next hobby hmmm
Random flashback:
I watched a drama on suria which involves a character acting as a prostitute with dreadlocks 🤔
When you have whoring at 8 and reggae gig at 9
Her: mengidam kerang
Me: let's go check out other restaurants. Kerang bahasa english ape eh
2018 in a nutshell:
super cold weather in jan 22 degrees
bird feather is a romantic gift
Kim k creates an app
R.i.p. hawking
Lesbian h&m ad
Victoria secret crazy sale
New mys garmen
Jubah wakanda
the wc european winners' curse lives on
'Borat' ver2.0
The 'invisible' prank
E equals M seeeee
Mourinho sacked
Liverpool top of the table with 6pts apart from second spurs
First time driving toyota aqua hybrid. Not bad
Started with 9 bars on the fuel gauge, ended with 9 bars. Drove nearly 50km 😮 the magic of hybrids
May 9
Alexis left Arsenal to win trophies and United are the only team who aren't competing for any trophy right now.
May 9
Just spare a quick thought for the Valencia fan who travelled to England & embarrassed his club by performing a Nazi salute & making monkey noises. He was handed a lifetime ban & watched at home as his side lost again tonight, with the 7 goals all being scored by black players.
When you don't have a hobby and decided to collect wives
Why is tea without milk called tea-O but bandung without milk is called sirap
The worst thing about being second is that you're the last to know that you won't win
May 12
Congratulations to Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang who is joint Golden Boot winner with 22 goals. He is the first Arsenal player to win it since Robin van Persie in 2012.
To 'know' how to do something and to be qualified to do something are 2 different things
Eg. Anyone can 'know' how to be an officer
But a qualified officer is someone with integrity, is very much aware that by crossing a line, he may abuse his powers to his personal advantage
With the new snapchat gender swap filter i can now become my own model for my tudung business
Mira filzah? More like mira filter
No, just kidding
Whatever you observe ade pengajaran nyer
We shud feel fortunate that when we iftar we all dine like kings
Now think of the unfortunate ones
Everyone exists for a reason
Some are excellent examples of how chronic humans have evolved into
Bukan nak kecam. Time raya pakai mcm raja sehari
Tapi asyik2 nampak nga isap rokok kat carpark siang hari bulan puasa
Follow Follow @caesarrifa
Don't waste your 20's staying in one country, work hard, travel the world. Said privileged people.
Those I know who travel the world before 23, their parents work hard, not them.
Jun 7
Problems are like washing machines. They twist us, spin us, & knock us around, but in the end we always come out cleaner, brighter & better.
hashtag musfat
Director: Cut! You're fired
Me: Well you said I should improvise the conversation since there's no script
Director: This is faketaxi not tv alhijrah you dumbshit
Jun 7
Guys, I wanna share something. Amalkan baca Surah Yusuf Ayat 4 & Surah Taha Ayat 39 after solat sebanyak 3x. You akan rasa dikasihi oleh org org sekeliling you and it makes your face glow as well. InsyaAllah, I have been practising it for 3 months -
Singkapo has around 6000 people living in 1 square kilometre 😮
Single people be like '..and I'm still alone'
But if we compare with cities vs countries, mumbai has 31,000 😵
To put this into perspective, if you share your room with one of your siblings.. In Mumbai you'll be sharing your room with an additional 3 siblings
30 years old right now and I hope I can finish paying for it 23 years later
Will always prefer to drive myself instead of taking the taxi
Speaking of those grumpy driver uncles that kept clicking tougue or sighing throughout the journey
Age identity crisis exists
Rezeki masing2. Aku 3rd posting baru dpt rasa jadi field, assistant TL, topsis, ops room atau pakai cass. 2nd posting baru dpt rasa access card
Yng kat land checkpt masih full-time stamper/special morning, I'm with you
No wonder islam tak suruh pakai candle
1. Ambil selfie bersama kekasih/spouse anda
2. Edit muka kekasih anda, conteng etc. sampai kelihatan macam perompak
3. Bila kekasih lihat gambar dalam keadaan marah dan tanya "HOI APA NI. PEROMPAK MANA NI"
4. Jawab "perompak hati saya"
#Syawal has got to be the hardest month to lose weight
All the high sugar intake from kuih kuih raya, f&n fanta orange, soft drinks and so on
Plus the amount of cholesterol from rendang and all you name it
Friday, August 09, 2019
Code red procedure
Code red to be announced when:
words that are really disliked or might cause total annoyance
1. bae
2. folks
3. sumpah
4. iyah
words that are really disliked or might cause total annoyance
1. bae
2. folks
3. sumpah
4. iyah
Friday, August 02, 2019
Thursday, July 11, 2019
tweets 22 feb - 1 may
@MillsReggie Feb 22 More A mistake that makes you humble is better than an achievement
that makes you arrogant.
Random thought Ever wonder what life is if prc still choose to be under strict communist rule
like nkorea Take a look at 20 yrs ago. Our island will certainly be less crowded.
Our products will not rosak so fast. Things would be made in taiwan instead. So many possibilities
Tempat yang banyak orang gila dan orang tua yang pemalas.
Actually being born Singaporean ade byk rezekinye. Tak kat sini, kat overseas
"Be strong. You don't have to be affected by every single word that is thrown onto you"
@brucelee Feb 20 More 🐉 ‘It’s not about what happens; it’s about your reaction to
what happens that matters.’ #BruceLee
Pakcikhood in 1999 "Abg lauk dah masak"
(Me in singlet and sarong reading newspaper): oh iyee datang
Pakcikhood in 2019 "Abg lauk dah masak"
(Me in singlet and sarong watching igtv): kejap mira filza kasi tutorial mandikan anak kucing
Abeh kalau aunty jogging sambil pegang bukak payung
@topislamictwit Mar 1 More Tips nak jadi pemaaf. kena ingat. yang kita pun buat salah.
"maafkan org lain seperti mana kita nak Allah maafkan kita."
Leading by example is better than forcing down orders
@RaimiKashfi 16 Nov 2018 More Sebuah komputer kita install software yg hebat2,
tiba2 lupa nak install antivirus, tetap juga akan ada virus. Jasad kita install ilmu yg hebat2,
tiba2 lupa nak install adab, tetap juga akan hadir akhlak yg buruk. Tiada bermanfaat ilmu
yang diperoleh tanpa adab.
Burning offerings at this timing. This is basically solat sunat tahajjud in their context?
Best things about public transport: -aircon -listen to music -can close eyes and nap
-upper seats on the double decker -more sightseeing, less eyes on the road
-convenient food shops at the mrt stations -my bus stop is nearer than my carpark
Listening to mj2 Ade cite almari berhantu, ade pulak cite pasal
periuk berhantu.. 🤔 ape kate kite gabungkan, letak periuk dlm almari
Korang rase ape jadi eh. Hantu periuk fight dgn hantu dlm almari?
We have drivers under the influence of smartphone Drivers under the influence of
gps Drivers under the influence of passengers Drivers under the influence of money
because petrol is costly (illegal uturns, reversing because they missed their exit etc.)
So riders, headstrong.
What I've observed: colleagues who are in their 50s nearing 60s still working hard
because their kids are still in sec school/poly
What I've learnt: jgn kahwin lambat sangat lah ..
Not judging anyone or God's plans. But remember peh n peh wants you to work till you die
Reminder: ape yng kau ade, kdg2 orang lain tunggu berbulan-bulan atau
bertahun-tahun untuk dapatkan. So be grateful and be humble
@wafilahh Mar 30 More be thankful for the bad things in life.
they open your eyes to see the good things you weren't paying attention to before.
There are non-handicap people who boarded the bus just to alight only
one stop later which is at the bus interchange
I just find that these insurance companys are quite intrusive. They just barge in,
gives you their name card, asks for you to log into your si pi eff and to have
them all revealed.. All i just wanted to do is to collect my stupid parcel
Comparing my time to present day i feel very privileged that muslim footballers are
getting more prominent in EPL. This way i will encourage my kids to play football
passionately, and if they try to ignore solat 5 waktu i just show them a pic of mane,
salah, ozil or mustafi 😀
What if the remaining heroes come into acceptance and decided not to revenge on thanos?
Then #AvengersEndgame would just be a soap opera of every individual trying to
move on with life. I mean, didn't #Thanos also wipe off half of the villains
Just let him retire happily 😄
I wish i can whatsapp send this to every people who didn't know how to use
earphones/headphones inside the bus/mrt
@SabrItaway Apr 13 More You delay your prayers and then complain
when Allahﷻ delays answering your Du’ā’s..
Instead of burning fossil fuels, singapore electricity supply can depend on the
taik hidung from the ah pek sitting beside me in the bus. From the start of the journey
asyik korek hidung non stop
Lelaki simpan janggut ade 2 sebab aje Sebab die warak atau die nak jadi macam
band system of a down
@AnilMohanlal Follow Follow @AnilMohanlal Arguments try to decide who is right right.
Discussions try to decide what is right.
It's about time land transport authority enforce 'no nose picking allowed.
Fine $500' in mrt and buses
Minah melayu skrg pun da hi-SES. Post gambar posing dgn maserati, panigale
Post video workout kat gym (tapi background voice 'ceywah baik sial' suare minah lagi satu.
members die) pakai attire under armour premium
Tapi yng penting bf kene kaya atau mat saleh 😆 proud of y'all
Mum never raised me like a king. She's the world's greatest cook
but she only fed me what i needed, not what i wanted Through her struggles
and examplery sacrifices, her lessons shaped me into an individual with
respectful manners, impartiality and the fear of God cc: tunangku
that makes you arrogant.
Random thought Ever wonder what life is if prc still choose to be under strict communist rule
like nkorea Take a look at 20 yrs ago. Our island will certainly be less crowded.
Our products will not rosak so fast. Things would be made in taiwan instead. So many possibilities
Tempat yang banyak orang gila dan orang tua yang pemalas.
Actually being born Singaporean ade byk rezekinye. Tak kat sini, kat overseas
"Be strong. You don't have to be affected by every single word that is thrown onto you"
@brucelee Feb 20 More 🐉 ‘It’s not about what happens; it’s about your reaction to
what happens that matters.’ #BruceLee
Pakcikhood in 1999 "Abg lauk dah masak"
(Me in singlet and sarong reading newspaper): oh iyee datang
Pakcikhood in 2019 "Abg lauk dah masak"
(Me in singlet and sarong watching igtv): kejap mira filza kasi tutorial mandikan anak kucing
Abeh kalau aunty jogging sambil pegang bukak payung
@topislamictwit Mar 1 More Tips nak jadi pemaaf. kena ingat. yang kita pun buat salah.
"maafkan org lain seperti mana kita nak Allah maafkan kita."
Leading by example is better than forcing down orders
@RaimiKashfi 16 Nov 2018 More Sebuah komputer kita install software yg hebat2,
tiba2 lupa nak install antivirus, tetap juga akan ada virus. Jasad kita install ilmu yg hebat2,
tiba2 lupa nak install adab, tetap juga akan hadir akhlak yg buruk. Tiada bermanfaat ilmu
yang diperoleh tanpa adab.
Burning offerings at this timing. This is basically solat sunat tahajjud in their context?
Best things about public transport: -aircon -listen to music -can close eyes and nap
-upper seats on the double decker -more sightseeing, less eyes on the road
-convenient food shops at the mrt stations -my bus stop is nearer than my carpark
Listening to mj2 Ade cite almari berhantu, ade pulak cite pasal
periuk berhantu.. 🤔 ape kate kite gabungkan, letak periuk dlm almari
Korang rase ape jadi eh. Hantu periuk fight dgn hantu dlm almari?
We have drivers under the influence of smartphone Drivers under the influence of
gps Drivers under the influence of passengers Drivers under the influence of money
because petrol is costly (illegal uturns, reversing because they missed their exit etc.)
So riders, headstrong.
What I've observed: colleagues who are in their 50s nearing 60s still working hard
because their kids are still in sec school/poly
What I've learnt: jgn kahwin lambat sangat lah ..
Not judging anyone or God's plans. But remember peh n peh wants you to work till you die
Reminder: ape yng kau ade, kdg2 orang lain tunggu berbulan-bulan atau
bertahun-tahun untuk dapatkan. So be grateful and be humble
@wafilahh Mar 30 More be thankful for the bad things in life.
they open your eyes to see the good things you weren't paying attention to before.
There are non-handicap people who boarded the bus just to alight only
one stop later which is at the bus interchange
I just find that these insurance companys are quite intrusive. They just barge in,
gives you their name card, asks for you to log into your si pi eff and to have
them all revealed.. All i just wanted to do is to collect my stupid parcel
Comparing my time to present day i feel very privileged that muslim footballers are
getting more prominent in EPL. This way i will encourage my kids to play football
passionately, and if they try to ignore solat 5 waktu i just show them a pic of mane,
salah, ozil or mustafi 😀
What if the remaining heroes come into acceptance and decided not to revenge on thanos?
Then #AvengersEndgame would just be a soap opera of every individual trying to
move on with life. I mean, didn't #Thanos also wipe off half of the villains
Just let him retire happily 😄
I wish i can whatsapp send this to every people who didn't know how to use
earphones/headphones inside the bus/mrt
@SabrItaway Apr 13 More You delay your prayers and then complain
when Allahﷻ delays answering your Du’ā’s..
Instead of burning fossil fuels, singapore electricity supply can depend on the
taik hidung from the ah pek sitting beside me in the bus. From the start of the journey
asyik korek hidung non stop
Lelaki simpan janggut ade 2 sebab aje Sebab die warak atau die nak jadi macam
band system of a down
@AnilMohanlal Follow Follow @AnilMohanlal Arguments try to decide who is right right.
Discussions try to decide what is right.
It's about time land transport authority enforce 'no nose picking allowed.
Fine $500' in mrt and buses
Minah melayu skrg pun da hi-SES. Post gambar posing dgn maserati, panigale
Post video workout kat gym (tapi background voice 'ceywah baik sial' suare minah lagi satu.
members die) pakai attire under armour premium
Tapi yng penting bf kene kaya atau mat saleh 😆 proud of y'all
Mum never raised me like a king. She's the world's greatest cook
but she only fed me what i needed, not what i wanted Through her struggles
and examplery sacrifices, her lessons shaped me into an individual with
respectful manners, impartiality and the fear of God cc: tunangku
Tuesday, May 07, 2019
tweets 31 nov - 1 feb
Things that i didn't have back then (but most kids do)
-playstation 1/2
-bumble bee yoyo
-super soaker
Instead i had
-windows 95/98
-mitre epl soccerball
-watergun from tora candybox
-Styrofoam airplane
🤔 imagine ade org suruh bomoh santau. Bomoh baca2 pastu tiba2 jin die reply:
Eh ni nama ramai orang pakai la! Kat singkapo pun ade indon pun ade.. numbor paspot numbor ic ada?
2 Dec 2018
Phone calls are replaced by WhatsApp. Feelings are now tweets. And memories are some pictures we post on Instagram.
27 Nov 2018
Antara sebab rezeki sempit?
Kedekut dengan ahli keluarga.
Especially mak ayah.
Bangsa melayu harus lebih seperti bangsa cina. Mereka selalu mencintai dan mengingati ibu mereka pada setiap saat
Tidak percaya, dgr lah percakapan mereka:
ching chong chin ciao MOTHER ching chong chong MOTHER ching chai MOTHER kanina ni de ching ching MOTHER
Kenape kahwin jgn lambat sangat?
Kat tempat keje aku ade officer yang re-employment (past 55 yrs old).. masih kene keje sebab anak masih sekolah kat polytechnic..
Mmg rezeki jodoh masing2.. tapi kalau asyik nak 'single and easy' dah tua baru sedar..
Just my observation
Kalau nak murah rezeki jgn percaya kat bende2 zodiac ni semua.
Percaya kat quran lagi bagus
8 Dec 2018
That awkward moment when the guy who discovered milk had to explain what he was doing to the cow.
Ganti disc brake depan $720 😱
14 Dec 2018
"Hidup ni bukan sentiasa senang, bukan sentisa bahagia, sebab Allah selalu nak uji kita, sebab bila dah bahagia, senang, berjaya kita lupa siapa diri kita"
Kenape facebook makin poyo eh
Do check out the new gojek website
It's called goblog
Kalau aku foreigner baru dtg sini, pastu takde certified knowledge pasal leadership atau security atau customs law tiba2 jadi inspector. Confirm korg tak respect aku. Betul tak? I was referring to an elderly colleague of mine.. he just started running a restaurant in jehbee.
Datang keje asyik lambat/amek timeoff. Keje pun siket membawang membebel byk. Gi retire skrg pun cantik
Ade orang sembur hinggus kat tissue
Ade orang satu alam semesta la tissue die. Sembur kat lantai kat tembok kat rumput kat tangga kat cermin
Hashtag pengotor
18 Dec 2018
Anyone who thinks the problems at MUFC will disappear overnight are having a laugh. The owners, the CEO and a lot of the players are cunts. I’d like to thank Mr Mourinho for winning the UEFA cup and making it a complete set of trophies.
20 Dec 2018
I swear most escooters have such bad taste in music and I always wonder why they have the need to share it with the rest of the world.
20 Dec 2018
Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Talib telah berkata:
Simpan rahasiamu berdua saja:
1. Dirimu
2. Allah swt
Jagalah di dunia ini dua keredhaan:
1. Ibumu
2. Bapamu
Mohonlah bantuan ketika susah dengan dua hal:
1. Sabar
2. Solat
Jangan risau dua hal ini:
1. Rezeki
2. Ajal
"Expensive leisure toys"
All humans are not fat if we reset to 'factory settings'
But it's what we eat, how much we eat, and how much our food addiction has gradually increased over the years bla blaa
And also by our lifestyle which is influenced by technological conveniences like food panda etc
Metabolism also plays a part blaa blaa
If you notice people who live at rural kampung areas are not obese
Because their nearest McDonald's is a few hours drive.
Plus they live day-to-day on tough labour like farming, fishing etc
The alternate word for penis suggested by my parents when i was young:
14 Sep 2018
3 malaikat yg jaga kita bila keluar rumah jika baca ni;
Bismillahi tawakkaltu a'lallahi walahaulawala quwataillah billah hila'liyil a'zim
Malaikat pertama ditugaskn oleh Allah beri petunjuk
Malaikat ke-2 ditugaskn utk cukupkn rezki
Malaikat ke-3 ditugaskn utk melindungi kita
20 Dec 2017
" Si kaya berulang alik ke Mekah mencari redha Allah... Sedangkan jaraknya dgn si miskin hanya di sebelah rumah... "
Kalau tak happy, bilang dgn org tu face-to-face.. kalau bebual belakang, mulut prompan pun boleh buat
Used holiday items, let's go
Before you criticize a Muslim brother for impersonating a kafr etc. Keep in mind that it's part of his job and that's how he earn a living.
Bila lupa : Astagfirullah
Bila berjanji : InshaAllah
Bila marah : LaailahaillAllah
Bila terkejut : MasyaAllah
Bila rindu: Ku sebut namamu
Only after 3 yrs
in the eye-see-eh: my first 🏍️
5 yrs: my first promotion
6 yrs: my 2nd posting
7 yrs: my first >200cc 🏍️
8 yrs: my first engagement
my first appointment as field/dtl
'I tak mkn sayur k' starter pack
Seems like everyone is into FB 'fortunetelling' thingy kind of shit
28 Dec 2018
KFC is expensive? Stop eating KFC.
Car is expensive? Use public transportation.
Starbucks is overpriced? Try nescafe.
The problem with our society now is instead of working hard to be able to afford stuffs, we prefer to force corporations to match our laziness
Gtx1050 vs gtx1060.. rated 30% better performance on 1060..
.. price difference $500-700 😮
Gtx960 vs gtx1050.. rated 3% better on 1050.. meh so tiny difference
Within 8 years i've never bought a new pc/lappy but i've changed my bike 4 times
Aku heran org2 ni kesah pasal american politics and trump.. like they really affect us directly 🤔
2018: the year when 'rainbows' is considered a color symbol of gay
Yesterday i saw this post which sounded like
'pilih lah pasangan yng berpegang pada ugama. Sebab kalau dia sanggup tinggalkan ugama, dia pasti sanggup tinggalkan kau'
Here the malaysian bikes are louder than harley davidson
Cc: tp and lta
Actually nak menang epl senang je
38 games total
10 games lawan dgn top 5, kalah takpe. Pakai subs/ youngsters
Yng remaining 28 games mati2 kene menang. Not even a draw.
W D L pts
28 0 10 84
United and leicester managed to win the league with less than 84 points in the 2010/11 and 2015/16 season.
Karipap sayur, tahu goreng.
Cc: orang yng tak pandai makan taugeh
You do realize in ig, people have a certain way of gaining huge amounts of followers
Like, today you randomly follow 10 people.. maybe 3 will follow you back
Within a month 3*30 = 90 new followers
Then you unfollow all 90 of them
Ini semua strategy 🙄
And these people usually aren't celebrities. They're just addicted to likes that gives them a sense of popularity
Some of these people are selling and promoting their products
After watching kanye west 'i love it' music video, i feel like making a parody
Wear the roblox outfit and then sing "you're such a naughty minah 🎶
Jan 19
straight line:
dashed line:
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
someone’s insta story at a party:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Worst deployment in jp still better than the best deployment in wc
Unless you're anak ikan emas in wc then I believe your level of 'best' is far different from mine 😆
How to deal with idiot jaywalkers: clutch in, 10k rpm
Semua org ada kesalahan sendiri
Sama ada orang lain nampak ke tak
(Hanya Tuhan yng sembunyi keaiban kita)
Sama ada sendiri mengaku ke tak
(Hanya Tuhan yng berikan kita hikmah untuk gerakkan hati kita)
Keje paling susah keje police band. Sebab very note salah kene buat report
-playstation 1/2
-bumble bee yoyo
-super soaker
Instead i had
-windows 95/98
-mitre epl soccerball
-watergun from tora candybox
-Styrofoam airplane
🤔 imagine ade org suruh bomoh santau. Bomoh baca2 pastu tiba2 jin die reply:
Eh ni nama ramai orang pakai la! Kat singkapo pun ade indon pun ade.. numbor paspot numbor ic ada?
2 Dec 2018
Phone calls are replaced by WhatsApp. Feelings are now tweets. And memories are some pictures we post on Instagram.
27 Nov 2018
Antara sebab rezeki sempit?
Kedekut dengan ahli keluarga.
Especially mak ayah.
Bangsa melayu harus lebih seperti bangsa cina. Mereka selalu mencintai dan mengingati ibu mereka pada setiap saat
Tidak percaya, dgr lah percakapan mereka:
ching chong chin ciao MOTHER ching chong chong MOTHER ching chai MOTHER kanina ni de ching ching MOTHER
Kenape kahwin jgn lambat sangat?
Kat tempat keje aku ade officer yang re-employment (past 55 yrs old).. masih kene keje sebab anak masih sekolah kat polytechnic..
Mmg rezeki jodoh masing2.. tapi kalau asyik nak 'single and easy' dah tua baru sedar..
Just my observation
Kalau nak murah rezeki jgn percaya kat bende2 zodiac ni semua.
Percaya kat quran lagi bagus
8 Dec 2018
That awkward moment when the guy who discovered milk had to explain what he was doing to the cow.
Ganti disc brake depan $720 😱
14 Dec 2018
"Hidup ni bukan sentiasa senang, bukan sentisa bahagia, sebab Allah selalu nak uji kita, sebab bila dah bahagia, senang, berjaya kita lupa siapa diri kita"
Kenape facebook makin poyo eh
Do check out the new gojek website
It's called goblog
Kalau aku foreigner baru dtg sini, pastu takde certified knowledge pasal leadership atau security atau customs law tiba2 jadi inspector. Confirm korg tak respect aku. Betul tak? I was referring to an elderly colleague of mine.. he just started running a restaurant in jehbee.
Datang keje asyik lambat/amek timeoff. Keje pun siket membawang membebel byk. Gi retire skrg pun cantik
Ade orang sembur hinggus kat tissue
Ade orang satu alam semesta la tissue die. Sembur kat lantai kat tembok kat rumput kat tangga kat cermin
Hashtag pengotor
18 Dec 2018
Anyone who thinks the problems at MUFC will disappear overnight are having a laugh. The owners, the CEO and a lot of the players are cunts. I’d like to thank Mr Mourinho for winning the UEFA cup and making it a complete set of trophies.
20 Dec 2018
I swear most escooters have such bad taste in music and I always wonder why they have the need to share it with the rest of the world.
20 Dec 2018
Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Talib telah berkata:
Simpan rahasiamu berdua saja:
1. Dirimu
2. Allah swt
Jagalah di dunia ini dua keredhaan:
1. Ibumu
2. Bapamu
Mohonlah bantuan ketika susah dengan dua hal:
1. Sabar
2. Solat
Jangan risau dua hal ini:
1. Rezeki
2. Ajal
"Expensive leisure toys"
All humans are not fat if we reset to 'factory settings'
But it's what we eat, how much we eat, and how much our food addiction has gradually increased over the years bla blaa
And also by our lifestyle which is influenced by technological conveniences like food panda etc
Metabolism also plays a part blaa blaa
If you notice people who live at rural kampung areas are not obese
Because their nearest McDonald's is a few hours drive.
Plus they live day-to-day on tough labour like farming, fishing etc
The alternate word for penis suggested by my parents when i was young:
14 Sep 2018
3 malaikat yg jaga kita bila keluar rumah jika baca ni;
Bismillahi tawakkaltu a'lallahi walahaulawala quwataillah billah hila'liyil a'zim
Malaikat pertama ditugaskn oleh Allah beri petunjuk
Malaikat ke-2 ditugaskn utk cukupkn rezki
Malaikat ke-3 ditugaskn utk melindungi kita
20 Dec 2017
" Si kaya berulang alik ke Mekah mencari redha Allah... Sedangkan jaraknya dgn si miskin hanya di sebelah rumah... "
Kalau tak happy, bilang dgn org tu face-to-face.. kalau bebual belakang, mulut prompan pun boleh buat
Used holiday items, let's go
Before you criticize a Muslim brother for impersonating a kafr etc. Keep in mind that it's part of his job and that's how he earn a living.
Bila lupa : Astagfirullah
Bila berjanji : InshaAllah
Bila marah : LaailahaillAllah
Bila terkejut : MasyaAllah
Bila rindu: Ku sebut namamu
Only after 3 yrs
in the eye-see-eh: my first 🏍️
5 yrs: my first promotion
6 yrs: my 2nd posting
7 yrs: my first >200cc 🏍️
8 yrs: my first engagement
my first appointment as field/dtl
'I tak mkn sayur k' starter pack
Seems like everyone is into FB 'fortunetelling' thingy kind of shit
28 Dec 2018
KFC is expensive? Stop eating KFC.
Car is expensive? Use public transportation.
Starbucks is overpriced? Try nescafe.
The problem with our society now is instead of working hard to be able to afford stuffs, we prefer to force corporations to match our laziness
Gtx1050 vs gtx1060.. rated 30% better performance on 1060..
.. price difference $500-700 😮
Gtx960 vs gtx1050.. rated 3% better on 1050.. meh so tiny difference
Within 8 years i've never bought a new pc/lappy but i've changed my bike 4 times
Aku heran org2 ni kesah pasal american politics and trump.. like they really affect us directly 🤔
2018: the year when 'rainbows' is considered a color symbol of gay
Yesterday i saw this post which sounded like
'pilih lah pasangan yng berpegang pada ugama. Sebab kalau dia sanggup tinggalkan ugama, dia pasti sanggup tinggalkan kau'
Here the malaysian bikes are louder than harley davidson
Cc: tp and lta
Actually nak menang epl senang je
38 games total
10 games lawan dgn top 5, kalah takpe. Pakai subs/ youngsters
Yng remaining 28 games mati2 kene menang. Not even a draw.
W D L pts
28 0 10 84
United and leicester managed to win the league with less than 84 points in the 2010/11 and 2015/16 season.
Karipap sayur, tahu goreng.
Cc: orang yng tak pandai makan taugeh
You do realize in ig, people have a certain way of gaining huge amounts of followers
Like, today you randomly follow 10 people.. maybe 3 will follow you back
Within a month 3*30 = 90 new followers
Then you unfollow all 90 of them
Ini semua strategy 🙄
And these people usually aren't celebrities. They're just addicted to likes that gives them a sense of popularity
Some of these people are selling and promoting their products
After watching kanye west 'i love it' music video, i feel like making a parody
Wear the roblox outfit and then sing "you're such a naughty minah 🎶
Jan 19
straight line:
dashed line:
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
someone’s insta story at a party:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Worst deployment in jp still better than the best deployment in wc
Unless you're anak ikan emas in wc then I believe your level of 'best' is far different from mine 😆
How to deal with idiot jaywalkers: clutch in, 10k rpm
Semua org ada kesalahan sendiri
Sama ada orang lain nampak ke tak
(Hanya Tuhan yng sembunyi keaiban kita)
Sama ada sendiri mengaku ke tak
(Hanya Tuhan yng berikan kita hikmah untuk gerakkan hati kita)
Keje paling susah keje police band. Sebab very note salah kene buat report
Thursday, January 03, 2019
tweets 1 oct - 30 nov
I think the most important aspect about love is sacrifice They say love is a losing game But in the end the reward is jannah for you both
@smrtsg 2 Sep 2018 More When I was younger, I used to sneak out of home to go to parties. Now I sneak out of parties to go home.
Bawak powerbank nak change hp, ... .. powerbank lupe nak charge hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaku ingin seribu tahun lagi bersamamu
Type yng suke travel tapi not on foot
There will always be friends who think the world only revolves around them Self-obsessed social media addicts with their selfies
Ramai yng kencing lupa flush Ramai juga yng kencing tapi lupa lock cubicle
One thing about malays is that they are so quick to judge based on first impression and third-party rumours
Kenape kite belum jodoh? Sebab kite tak tau jaga diri sendiri, macam mana kite nak jaga anak orang? Just my opinion Bukan riak bros..
@FoootballPlanet 24 Sep 2018 More N’Golo Kante’s rise is amazing. 2012: Playing in Ligue 2 2013: Playing in Ligue 1 2015: Moves to the Premier League 2016: Wins the League & reaches a Euro's Final. 2017: Wins the League again 2018: Wins the FA Cup, World Cup and named in FIFPRO World XI.
Hais i miss my suzuki. This honda too relaxed la the riding style. More suitable for ages 40 & above Sport🏍️ can build up core muscle
A lot will ask 'why so happy' 'why so sad' Just for the sake of opening their mouth And not really concerned about your real well-being
I'm one of those individuals who eats at secret recipe and then asks the waiter "so tell me, what's your secret recipe"
Orang yang nampak alim tak semestinya 100% cara die betul and terbaik Sebab die pun manusia
When you thought venom became your parasite and talking in your mind But then you realized it's shakila base calling out your name
One more time if i encounter a jaywalker slowly jaywalking with his/her eyes totally on the phone, I'm gonna stop one side Snatch his/her phone from his/her hands and fcuking smash it to the ground
Orang2 yang suke bukak vitec kat carpark macam taufiq
#notallmalays drink alcohol, they drink bubble tea too because they like to bubble
Day 5 of my night dieting which involves only drinking after sunset I also call it 'reverse fasting' because i didn't eat anything from maghrib till fajr
The meaning of life Life is always about perspective There's 3 dimensions and 6 sides to a cube Some ignorant people only see it as a single-dimensional square Don't be like them. Haha
Speaking about work politics.. some people don't like transferring out because they already besar kepala in that current position They know they'll have to go back to square one and no longer the 'anak emas' or the 'abang long'
People in sv650 fb group say the 270crossplane of the mt07 is more exciting than an actual v-twin
@trellymick 18 Oct 2018 More If you died tonight, your employer would have a job advert to fill your role by the end of the month. But your friends and family would miss you forever. Don’t get so busy on making a living that you forget to work on making a life
The difference between riding and driving is that in a moderate 🚗 accident, you lose a few thousand dollars But in a moderate 🏍️ accident, you lose a few limbs
Islam always give simple solutions to everything, but it's the people who makes it complicated and sour
@esplayn 12 Nov 2018 More West Ham now have Nasri, Wilshere and Fabianski. All they need now is Fabregas and Koscielny and they’d beat Barca 2-1.
'My wife is my ex-gf' references is so annoying
Orang macam zaki bagus la. Selalu happy. Cheerful. Everyday gongxifachai
Aku notice kedai motor ade new & old skol
New skol:
-nama English (ultima motorsports, revo motoring etc)
-cashier/clerk youngster
-receipt printed, microsoft excel
Old skol:
-nama lejen (kang kang motors, chin chow enterprise, pang keng cycles etc)
-cashier/clerk auntie tua, cermin mata degree tinggi nak mampos
-receipt tulisan doctor, color putih color biru, buku 555
I really wish i could sell my honda to someone who's really enthusiastic and interested about its engine characteristic Not just some random dude who just wanna upgrade from class 2a and get his hands on the cheapest class 2 possible thinking that this nc is faster than a 600
Korang imagine makan seafood, order cereal prawn. Cereal die pakai honey star
Marriage course taught me not share too much about your spouse:
👩 suami aku sado
👧 oh iye ke
👩 aku bingit asyik gado dgn suami
👧 cerai sudah
👩 kami berpisah.. sigh
👧 I'm sorry for you sis (hahaha yes! finally aku boleh dpt laki sado idaman mcm die)
@smrtsg 2 Sep 2018 More When I was younger, I used to sneak out of home to go to parties. Now I sneak out of parties to go home.
Bawak powerbank nak change hp, ... .. powerbank lupe nak charge hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaku ingin seribu tahun lagi bersamamu
Type yng suke travel tapi not on foot
There will always be friends who think the world only revolves around them Self-obsessed social media addicts with their selfies
Ramai yng kencing lupa flush Ramai juga yng kencing tapi lupa lock cubicle
One thing about malays is that they are so quick to judge based on first impression and third-party rumours
Kenape kite belum jodoh? Sebab kite tak tau jaga diri sendiri, macam mana kite nak jaga anak orang? Just my opinion Bukan riak bros..
@FoootballPlanet 24 Sep 2018 More N’Golo Kante’s rise is amazing. 2012: Playing in Ligue 2 2013: Playing in Ligue 1 2015: Moves to the Premier League 2016: Wins the League & reaches a Euro's Final. 2017: Wins the League again 2018: Wins the FA Cup, World Cup and named in FIFPRO World XI.
Hais i miss my suzuki. This honda too relaxed la the riding style. More suitable for ages 40 & above Sport🏍️ can build up core muscle
A lot will ask 'why so happy' 'why so sad' Just for the sake of opening their mouth And not really concerned about your real well-being
I'm one of those individuals who eats at secret recipe and then asks the waiter "so tell me, what's your secret recipe"
Orang yang nampak alim tak semestinya 100% cara die betul and terbaik Sebab die pun manusia
When you thought venom became your parasite and talking in your mind But then you realized it's shakila base calling out your name
One more time if i encounter a jaywalker slowly jaywalking with his/her eyes totally on the phone, I'm gonna stop one side Snatch his/her phone from his/her hands and fcuking smash it to the ground
Orang2 yang suke bukak vitec kat carpark macam taufiq
#notallmalays drink alcohol, they drink bubble tea too because they like to bubble
Day 5 of my night dieting which involves only drinking after sunset I also call it 'reverse fasting' because i didn't eat anything from maghrib till fajr
The meaning of life Life is always about perspective There's 3 dimensions and 6 sides to a cube Some ignorant people only see it as a single-dimensional square Don't be like them. Haha
Speaking about work politics.. some people don't like transferring out because they already besar kepala in that current position They know they'll have to go back to square one and no longer the 'anak emas' or the 'abang long'
People in sv650 fb group say the 270crossplane of the mt07 is more exciting than an actual v-twin
@trellymick 18 Oct 2018 More If you died tonight, your employer would have a job advert to fill your role by the end of the month. But your friends and family would miss you forever. Don’t get so busy on making a living that you forget to work on making a life
The difference between riding and driving is that in a moderate 🚗 accident, you lose a few thousand dollars But in a moderate 🏍️ accident, you lose a few limbs
Islam always give simple solutions to everything, but it's the people who makes it complicated and sour
@esplayn 12 Nov 2018 More West Ham now have Nasri, Wilshere and Fabianski. All they need now is Fabregas and Koscielny and they’d beat Barca 2-1.
'My wife is my ex-gf' references is so annoying
Orang macam zaki bagus la. Selalu happy. Cheerful. Everyday gongxifachai
Aku notice kedai motor ade new & old skol
New skol:
-nama English (ultima motorsports, revo motoring etc)
-cashier/clerk youngster
-receipt printed, microsoft excel
Old skol:
-nama lejen (kang kang motors, chin chow enterprise, pang keng cycles etc)
-cashier/clerk auntie tua, cermin mata degree tinggi nak mampos
-receipt tulisan doctor, color putih color biru, buku 555
I really wish i could sell my honda to someone who's really enthusiastic and interested about its engine characteristic Not just some random dude who just wanna upgrade from class 2a and get his hands on the cheapest class 2 possible thinking that this nc is faster than a 600
Korang imagine makan seafood, order cereal prawn. Cereal die pakai honey star
Marriage course taught me not share too much about your spouse:
👩 suami aku sado
👧 oh iye ke
👩 aku bingit asyik gado dgn suami
👧 cerai sudah
👩 kami berpisah.. sigh
👧 I'm sorry for you sis (hahaha yes! finally aku boleh dpt laki sado idaman mcm die)
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