Thursday, September 26, 2019

Tweets - 11 sept

Some days are bright, some days are rainy Some days you spend 7 dollars on a cup of drink with ease Some days you spend 7 dollars to feed your whole family; not by choice

Obese nerdism is closely associated with artificialism

Asian drivers are very bad at diversion driving. At a cross junction from a left filter lane they would cut 3 lanes to suddenly decide and execute a right turn.

5 figure monthly salary and every month go holiday?? Nice one haha..

In some countries they are struggling to stay alive. Me I'm struggling to fit inside pants size 33. First world problems me really is

What if yama produce a sportsbike with the mt09 engine

$114 for prism video editing premium bundle

I can take all kinds of jokes. You can joke about my appearance, my work, race related shit or lgbt whatsoever But if you joke about me being unable to support my family due to paralysis or fatality 👊 Ramai orang tau aku penyabar. Tapi kenape bodoh sangat kau ni. Jgn pijak la

So it's been proven and tested An acceptably patient person will take approximately 5-6 months before he can no longer tolerate his coworkers' shit

@IBNRAYGUNZ Jul 28 RAY GUNZ Retweeted P.H. Bennet Blade just gonna come through and recite ayatul kursi over the vampires and the film will be over.

Aku punye cara usually try to baik sangka and try not to judge based on first impression Especially kalau jumpe penjual kedai atau staff baru yang 'nampak sombong' A lot of us malays will always jump to conclusions and say 'kerek ah die ni, carik kedai lain ah' Or 'kerek ah die ni, tak tegur aku pun. Patut die tegur aku dulu'

How to transfer photos from phone to pc without Bluetooth or USB cables: 1. Log in twitter on your pc 2. Send photo to an inactive user on twitter via direct message 3. Go to twitter direct messages on your pc 4. You can now download the photo

Yes we're adults but now I know, bebual kotor ni tak bagus. Even with close friends Because what are the chances your friends tell other colleagues what you said? From a third person perspective he/she may view your joke differently. Ape lagi kau he/she is actually your enemy

Some days we're the outcast. Some days we outcast a particular person hahah life is fair

Dah agaknye punye. Budak reservist baru 2nd cycle dah ade anak hahah Tapi paling annoying budak pes c 4th cycle bawak ducati

Minorities in sg: the government is racist! Chinese and indians in mys: hold my beer Rohinya and palestinian people: hold my dead child while i dig a grave sorry, too dark?

I wonder what's His plans for fraudsters like you

Arrogant foreigners? That's actually normal but in case you sgporeans are wondering: So imagine us visiting a country the size of potong pasir smc and their officers are bossing us around Trust me, our reaction will be 'eh sial my country bigger la, who do you think you are'

Typical ah lian mummies who wear fake eyelashes and shorts shorter than my sleeping boxers in the morning 😵

Org yng lama single and so called 'anti-couple' tapi bila dah jumpe someone die hype giler 😏

Imagine eh, diorg letak makanan2 untuk offerings Tibe2 hantu diorg muncul pastu cakap "ah thanks la. Tapi kasi makanan aje? Air takde?? Nanti aku tercekik pastu mati lagi macam mane? Kasi la asam boi ais satu ke" Hashtag just kidding just for laughs

Tapi kalau hantu mati lagi sekali mcm mane tuu

It's hard to make people realise how (insert adjective here) they are, when they have an inferior sense of third-person view or empathy 😑

Once at a cross junction, a car reversed from a left-turn filter lane and then cutting sharp across 3 lanes to enter the right-turn lane Make GPS Driving a compulsory module in driving school. I've seen too many reckless, last-minute maneuvers on the road You're welcome @LTAsg

Mt15 plate fbm warm up motor lama betul macam warm up superbike 🤔 Gitu macam motor aku yng mileage 6-digit ni kalau keje pagi, mlm sebelum tido engine dah on lah

Aku rase dlm context diorg, lebih bersepah kertas2, lebih soleh/khusuk 🤔

Janggut janggut jugak, dahi gelap dahi gelap jugak. Tapi gambar ig kucengsesat like jugak 😆

Tips untuk lebatkan janggut: minum susu kambing

"abg ni pakai celak, janggut lebat mesti selalu duduk kat masjid eh?" Oh tak, abg minat band system of a down.

My riding gloves and my airpods which I thought were lost found their way back to me 😍

Done watching 2 episodes of an old series which it's name is the same as papa roach's song

Nak mkn kat pantry, takde tempat solat. Nak mkn kat crew, takde water dispenser.

Each time I see Chin Han in movies or American TV series I feel proud as a sgporean Limits of a small-islander is actually endless. Especially if you work hard Not a very known fact that our english accent is more globally marketable than a prc, hongkonger or even japanese

Username: yan busa Profile picture: riding the hayabusa Instastory (99% of the time): anak tengah makan, anak main kat playground, anak malam taknak tido, snapchat dgn anak

Username: fir marquez Profile picture: riding cbr600rr Bio: honda rider, cbr600rr 2008, gopro hero 7 black, dainese Instastory (99% of the time): dinner date kampung glam cafe, boemerang sushi, boemerang prata, boemerang milo dinosaur, boemerang samurai burger, mkn mkn mkn

Sep 12, 2019
Scenario: Married +2 kids. Own 660K condo. Honda City.
Income: RM 12000
EPF: 1320
Tax: 630


Home 2800
Car 850
Education 820

Food 2300

Children 2400
Bills 420
Petrol 320
Parking 100

SAVINGS: RM 40 Frowning face

Where do you think this couple could optimize their finances more?

@desprate__ Sep 10 More Solat is a nikmat from Allah. Selagi boleh solat kita patut bersyukur. Ada orang tak pandai solat. Ada orang tak terdetik nak solat. Ada orang tak boleh solat oleh sebab tertentu. So please, always be thankful to Allah the Almighty. No reason no excuse.

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