In life, there are stuffs that happens once in a lifetime or never at all. That is why I'm still Broken heart when I sold off my sv650s. The only 600/650cc v2 in a sports varient. Okay maybe once or twice. There's a hyosung/nazablade 650 hahaha
@IslamicTongue · Mar 6 Pray not only because you need something but because you have a lot to be thankful for.
When I was young, I wanted to be a social media influencer. When I became wise, I decided to uninstall social media
If I get 20 cents per word for every rant I listen from boi mengeluh.. Fuh.. Takyah ot Smiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyes just listen to his stupid rants
Dr: ada rasa nak bunuh diri? Husband: ada Dr: but what stops you from suicide? Husband : kalau saya bunuh diri sekarang, tak dapat la tengok liverpool angkat championship. Dah 30 tahun saye tunggu *rimshot drum sound*
@LikneshR · Mar 10 I am an indian,i dont eat beef .I went to the burger shop to buy burger he cooks beef and chicken on the same place. Did i fight because of that ? No because it is an understanding ,if everyone gets this concept...maka ciptalah perpaduan
I'm very sure when mummy first met daddy 40 years ago there's 101 things she's annoyed of about him But when daddy will no longer around be, those same 101 things are what she actually can't live without Love is actually too vast and great for us to understand
Maybe kovid is just how humanity is being repaid. Especially global warming and stuffs
It's already 2020 I'm fine with people replying whatsapp messages the speed of emails. Because I do at that same speed too Else you can give a phone call. Just press this symbol located inside your phone Right pointing backhand index Telephone receiver It's actually a useful feature to get an immediate response
Side tracking though, I still wonder what happen to one of my best friends He's the first to be invited and congratulated me. But like several weeks ago he blocked me on most platforms Thinking face
sufiyan bloodvein @sufiyanblodvein · Mar 22 Well if he's reading this, just wanna say thank you for our adventure trip in 2014. And thank you for the t-shirt you bought me from japan Yes your nerdish comfort zone is massive Smiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyes but I pray that life goes well according to what you preferred. Allah have plans for us all
First time taking grab plus just now. Nicee. Car seat with arm rest. Automatic doors. Better comfort with few dollars added
Well there's a saying that if it looks too good, you begin to fear it getting stolen haha
As much as I kinda hate my former tl, I just realised he gave me three 'A-grade' ish out of seven Face with open mouth alhamdulillah Okay la, gimme SERGEANT3 for me this june laaaa
@chiefteta · Apr 18 “If you cannot believe that you can do it, then you have no chance at all” I use this at work at all the time to motivate my Team.
@neekchan · Apr 23 Replying to @malik_matin I don't think I've seen Singaporeans being so nice to Singaporeans as much as during this entire #circuitbreakersg. It's really one of the best incidental outcomes.
Iftar meme visualised in words and observation: Newly wed: homemade tapao chicken kebab with cheese and lettuce, nuggets, fruits, kurma 5yrs married: homemade jemput2 pisang, kurma 10yrs married: sandwich 7 eleven, kurma
@rahim_isam · Apr 25 21 pesanan bermakna dari Ebit Lew. 1- “Walaupun kita miskin, tapi bila kita ada agama, kita bahagia” 2- “Kita solat bukan sebab kita baik, tapi sebab kita hamba Allah.” 3- “Siapa betulkan solat, Allah betulkan hidup dia.”
Until today I still censore my wife's face. I prefer low profile
10 'nice' things about the CB/kovid - a thread 1 - erp is suspended. As an essential worker, now and then I have to pass thru gantries via cte/aye
2 - electricity bills rebate wah, this month electric bill i pay nothing because deducted from the rebate voucher
3 - slight petrol price drop No jaybi petrol during this period Pensive face but oh well, ron95 is about 15 cents per litre cheaper at the moment
4 - the mask With our facial expressions consealed, we receive lesser bullshit from (malay) colleagues. No more 'ko gile pe senyum sorang2' or 'ko nampak mcm monyok aje. Senyum la siket' Hence much less complication from judgemental people of a certain race
5 - WFH / rotational work week Seriously. I envy you people because I'm not entitled Unamused face Despite challenging productivity, think of all the transport money and commuting and hassle you saved Also if you're on period (for the ladies)
6 - social distanting (S.D.) Seriously. When I was in a queue at a supermarket or boarding the bus.. Irritates me when my butt is touched or the heel of my shoe is stepped on As especially when the cashier is still scanning my items, your barang2 also no SD put near mine Confused face
7 - less traffic Okay, maybe too similar to number 1. But on a regular rush hour I would be Racing motorcycle lanesplitting a gridlock traffic with 3 bikes in front of me and 3 bikes behind me Worth mentioning. Safety and road-mental related haha
8 - quality family time
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