Friday, September 26, 2008

Unwell on days

I never felt such in a filth state of health. I don't enjoy much this week.

I was rushed to the hospital twice in the same week. Once for high fever and for hyperventilation. I don't have any medical histories what so ever. My body brokedown just like that.

Was I pushed to the limit during training? Well there were moments, but so far I can take it. In fact there were long rests in between. God knows the reasons for my health downfall.

NUH has lots of chick nurses. But I didn't stay there long enough to get a phone number. Haha. Yeah. The longest of me bedridden there is less than two hours. I'm not really sick enough to overnight there.

I got MC for that whole week and spent less than 24 hrs in camp. A lot of time spent at home; getting more than 16 hrs in my own bed. Eat-medicine-and-sleep kind of treatment.

Feeling better now, maybe still having a tough sorethroat. Soon to collect my cd from inokii.

1 comment:

Clarence said...

Hey man better take care of your health man haha!see you soon man!