Friday, August 12, 2016

tweet 1 jan - 31 mar

Aku ingatkan lagu baru rihanna lagu pasal mencari rezeki Tapi.. Hmm lagu pasal 'kerjekan' org agaknye kut #maksiat

Everyone else is looking forward to have an exciting future with someone or something.. But you're just.. staring into blank space

Dlm 1 minit update status/share post kat fb sampai 5 kali tak salah bro Tapi jgn lupe dlm satu hari solat kene 5 kali K bye

Ladies be like 'i dun dress for guys, i dress for myself' tapi ko tu da anak 2 pakai hotpants Laki baru baligh pun meleleh tengok kaki kau

@IslamicTweeted Mar 4 Say Alhamdulillah when you sit with your family, Because there is someone somewhere who wishing to be with his family.

Just met my first date in person. After more than 6 years later Kenangan cinta pertama First cut is the deepest Life goes on

@MeFauzi_ Mar 13 18 years old dah staycation dengan bf/gf. Aku pukul 11 bapak dah message "mane merayap?!" 😧

Bila kite menaruh harapan kat seseorang, Kite pasti akan dapat rasa kecewa

The worst kind of stubborn people are old stubborn people. Because they don't bother to change their ways while they're young

@amalinaxXx Mar 5 Just because you are more pious, doesn't mean you have the rights to say about person's success as "istidraj" or things like that in public.

The only way into her heart is through her stomach (if you can cook well). Or her funnybone

A: wah, peminat cite munafik bro? Sampai decal munafik besar2 tampal kat windshield kereta 
B: tak. Nama aku kan syafik. Bini aku nama munah

If miscommunication & bad assumption are common causes of conflict, Then crystal clear communication and positivity can solve many problems

L: agaknye Tuhan sedang menguji saye hari ini

P: kenape

L: kerana kecantikan awak sangat menggoda keimanan saye


@Jokoy Mar 2 Los Angeles, CA Picked my computer up at Genius Bar today. They said that it wasn't broken and that I was just stupid. Thanks #apple

Kimais. Kau post gambar kat ig pukul 6.30 pagi.. pukul 7 da dpt 14 likes. Ko celebrity pe

Remember back then when ig used to be
"let the picture speak for itself"
And not
*insert poems*
*insert hashtag*
*insert more hashtags*

Hmmm kalau budak bwk rxz masih p-plate ajak aku riding gi cameron highlands..

@Uselessxhope Feb 1 Tak payah melawa lebih sangat, if he wants you, he will accept all your flaws tak kisah lah kulit berjerawat ke hitam ke. Simple.

Sometimes their level of intelligence insults me

I have the best mom ever. Mana nk dpt mak mcm aku In one night she cleaned, mop, vacuum my room and my cupboard. And my shoerack too

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