Woke up at 0615 for solat subuh. Jama'ah with my dad and mum. And as usual, after that I returned to bed. I had to wake up again at 0830 for school.
To prevent oversleeping, I turned off the fan. And it turns out to be a very chilly morning. About 26 degrees.
Woke up 15 minutes late. But I'm not in a rush. I had to iron my formals for the final assignment presentation. While ironing, hearing to Ensiferum on my mp3.

Scene 2 - Way to school
My project group members planned to meet at the labs at 1000. However I left home at 0945.
At the bus stop, I stumbled upon a kinda hot malay lady with a fat ass, from the back view. She was wearing a mini skirt. And had facial make-up as thick as 10mm. To avoid my bad habit of sexy butt staring and to see the incoming bus better, I stood in front of her.
Scene 3 - Comp lab
2 minutes before 12. As I met with the first member in my group Ron, I was given last minute orders to write the report. And the presentation is later at 1400.

Okay, not to panic. It takes less than an hour to complete a pile of project reports. We finished it with 25 pages before one o'clock.
Just a few more minutes before we left for the presentation, I had the chance to look around the room. And opposite our workstation, were a bunch of Year Twos. Working on a demo game project. Unlike us, they're on 3Ds. Laughing away with their final results.
But what caught my attension most is the laughter of one of the Year Two girls, among that bunch. She's wearing formals too.
The hiccup laughter reminds me off Raudhah. The past "she".
It goes like this: "Hahahaha... hikk! hikk!"
Repeatedly. "Hahaha.. hikkk! hikk!" "Hahaha! hik! hikk! hikk!"
I used to like Raudhah despite her retarded laughter. But I discovered that she's retarded in many more ways. Despite she smokes too.

Scene 4 - Moments before presentation
The first group that we saw in the presentation room took like an hour plus. It should be 20 minutes per group actually. But their demo was good like hell! I thought it came from some PS2 game.
Had some chat with classmate Fadhillah as we waited for our turn. Actually a labmate. She's pretty to a certain extent.
Pretty much like Raudhah. About the same height. Same skin fairness. But she's more charming and cool. Anyway I had enough of "falling in love with the prettiest girl in class". Since primary 4 I had that syndrome.
And she's not available. But, pleased to have her as a friend. We do talk.
Scene 5 - Presentation
I'm never expecting the tutors to be impressed by our work. And so, they aren't. They giggled at our project but that's okay. I'll giggle harder after today because I don't have to care about school. Heheh.
Here and there Mr Quah questioned on our mistakes. And of course the poor planning & timing we took.
Maybe the worst product to came out from the Boo Ya Coconuts (my group name). But so far we had won 4th place in the innovative gaming keyboard design, beating 20 other teams. Yups, all I can remember about is the hot babes from NTU, where we claim the prize.
Scene 6 - End Of Day
After the presentation, we ate a late lunch at the south canteen. And Ron left us for his girlfriend. Yeah. His gf is so much important than us or the project. And on V'day he wasn't in school to do the project with us.
Just like me to my music. Well, at least I'll turn up after or before a jamming.
Plans for next week... A class outing.
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