Tuesday, January 02, 2007

2006: All that i could remember Pt.1

What happened to me between 01/01/06 to 31/12/06? Well, I can tell you guys a long grandmother story.

The Working Era

Since December 2005, I've been a part-timer at burger king. The times are tough. Tougher than I've been through in NCC I guess.

The fat chinese manager has been pushing me around. I was usually to blamed, at first because I'm the newest there. He is a bastard. From the day he was transfered there till I resigned, he was no different. He treated me like a dog. But his words can be wise. I learn a lot. But I learnt to much from him till I feel like vomitting.

Most of all, I missed school when I was in BK. I was waiting for my results. Everyday, I see secondary students happily enjoying themselves in burger king. I feel very left out. I have no sense of belonging.

Even worse, I drooled over every babe that steps in, "missing" them as they walked out. I felt so low. I remembered I had lots of female friends in secondary school. I had pleasant talks with them.

The crews at BK were fun to work with. But some.
I enjoy working with the Malay & Indian crews. And also a group of Chinese teenager buddies, and, a filipino auntie whom I worked with all the time in the kitchen.
Not forgetting Nara, my favourite manager. We are more like friends. Ryan was someone who thought me most.
My best friends, Remy, Mas, Paskaran, Siva, Vanija, Christina, Xavier... People who made me feel at home.

Low pay? Hmm, I got an electric guitar.. An awesome black jacket.. Money spent on outings with friends. Pool. Jammings. I'm quite satisfied with the pay.

But the fat manager made me call for quits, in September 2006.

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