Friday, January 12, 2007

Jamm Session 12 Jan

Listening: Coventide - Saved By The Fire

Aha... An awesome track by my band alliance.

It's been more than 5 weeks since the Ensi-Knights jammed (Last, 28 November!). We are going through a reformation. A wind change of direction. Me trying out on vocals. Well, it went quite horrible.

The first person I met before the jamm session is Jaani. He was at the next door macdonalds having his meal. It was accidental, I was rushing to the macdonalds toilet to pee. Wakaka. He came there by taxi. And he told me of the rude taxi driver who drove him there and called him crazy for no reason.

Wow, what kind of service..? I think Jaani deserves a money back for unsatisfactory.

Ensisventine was completely off-form. Mostly, we forgot our pieces that we played on the actual past gig. Very disappointing. But okay then.. Lets reset the timer...

But we did Helloween's If I Could Fly quite good. It's hard to forget that song for real. Its song structure is simple. However, me on the vocals made it look bad. My notes never seem correct. Well, still a favourite Ensis cover song.

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