Saturday, January 27, 2007

Jamm Session 27 Jan

With Khairee as the new EnsiKnight, it marks us now as Ensis' 4th mark line-up. That Saturday was a rainy day. It drizzles and downpours now and then.

Well, the jamming didn't went good.

The recording was filled with unpleasant buzzing noises from Khairee's guitar. But he's not to be blamed. I only realise that problem when I listened to the jamming recording on the mp3.

Fighting Hard..
Though, it's good that Khairee did some homework on Old Man.

Even the mic was faulty. I slapped & whacked it a couple of times. It was on; then off; on; then off again.

Goring was a full-bloodedly tough job. I had some throat strains after that. But I believe it was in-tune(?)...

To Blast? Or Steady-dize?
The drums did better than previous jammings. Idris finally snapped from out-of-form status. His arms worked better, but lots more practise on blast beats. Hmm.. Actually I'm trying to put blast beats aside... Maybe focus on melody & tempo timing than thrashing.

It's quite tiring too, speed alternate picking on the blasting. Yups. More practise on my right-hand stamina.

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